Critical review and application due date05-jun-2013 return

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13383031

Critical review and application Due date:05-Jun-2013 Return date: 28-Jun-2013 Length:3000 words Submission method options Hand delivery (option applies to Internal only)

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Task This assessment addresses the process of change. Review critically the actual change model that has been used in the case you have chosen. Identify the political, economic, cultural and leadership factors that have influenced the implementation of this change. Go on to assess whether the change was successful. Working from this review and the outcomes of your diagnosis in task 2, develop a different approach to managing the change based on an alternative change model that takes into account the political, economic, cultural and leadership factors you identified above. Go on to recommend OD intervention(s), giving your reasons why. Evaluate the effectiveness of the new model against the one used by the organisation. Explain, and justify how you would institutionalise the change(s), once again, taking into account the political, economic, cultural and leadership factors previously discussed. N. B. You must include a minimum of twelve (12) academic citations and references.


The aim of this assignment is for you to:

Review critically the process of change used by your case organisation.

Demonstrate you understanding of different change strategies through reviewing the case; identifying an alternative model, applying and evaluating it.

Assess different change strategies and apply them to a specific example of change.

Evaluate the practical application of theoretical models to a specific change situation.

Reference no: EM13383031

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