Critical reflection supply you will require critical

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13585924

You will require critical reflection on your experience in completing this subject. What major <br/>learning on managing the value chain can apply in practice as a manager in your organisation. Your learning <br/>experience of participating group project and discussions in the workshops, and issues you consider address <br/>in managing the value chain. The details are as followings: <br/>. <br/>Throughout your study in this subject you will have contributed to a range of group discussion, undertaken a <br/>range of activities and read and reflected on a number of readings. <br/>Reflect on your experience in completing this subject. What major learnings on managing the value chain <br/>can you apply in practice as a manager in your organisation? <br/>The list below provides some questions you may wish to consider in your critical reflection. <br/>These are suggestions only. <br/>Page III-4 of 6 <br/>You can address issues that are not in this list: <br/>• Your view of managing the value chain before entering this subject and how this has, or hasn’t changed. <br/>• Has what you have learned in this subject created an increased awareness of the importance of <br/>managing the value chain? Explain your reasons. <br/>• Your reflection on the group discussion activities and how these discussions have influenced your views <br/>and/or knowledge on managing the value chain. You may wish to use postings or comments from the <br/>forums to support your reflection. <br/>• How you will use your learning from the subject in your workplace? <br/>• Other aspects you have reflected on that are not included above. <br/>You are encouraged to reflect earnestly about how the content in global economics has helped you achieve <br/>your goals. <br/>This assessment will be graded based on evidence of critical thought development.

Reference no: EM13585924

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