Reference no: EM132963597 , Length: word count:2000
Assessment Task: Critical reflection on the innovation process
Article - Managing innovation for sustainability by Dorothea Seebode, Sally Jeanrenaud and John Bessant
Purpose of the task:
The purpose of this task is to engage students in critical thinking and reflection in the written form. The task requires students to succinctly summarise an academic article focusing on an aspect of the innovation process. Students are then required to critique the article, and reflect on the article. These three aspects should be clearly identified in the submission.
What the task involves:
In this individual assessment task, students will choose ONE (1) academic article from a short list of articles that will be provided by their course coordinator / lecturer. Students will write:
• a summary (1,000 words)
• a critique (500 words)
• a reflection (500 words) Summary
This requires you to summarise only. You do not need to introduce any other material. The purpose is for you to demonstrate that you can succinctly communicate the key aspects of the article, so follow the original format.
This requires you to think more about aspects such as, e.g.
• does the title reflect the content?
• is this an appropriate journal for it?
• who is the target audience?
• is the format logical?
• are claims supported by evidence?
Students are strongly advised to go to FedUni's Study Skills which has an array of valuable resources, one of which is about reading-writing-critically.
This requires you to reflect on the impact the article has had on your views on innovation or entrepreneurship. There are resources on the Study Skills website to help you write a reflection.