Critical-indispensable in pushing through aca legislation

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133582435


Who was the most critical and indispensable in pushing through the ACA legislation? Why? What role, relationships, or stature helped their cause?

Reference no: EM133582435

Questions Cloud

Construction of enemy : In her article "Construction of an Enemy," Eleanor Stein describes moments in U.S. history when people of certain cultural
Children and teenagers to the civil rights movement : According to the readings, Franklin, VP, Documenting the Contributions of Children and Teenagers to the Civil Rights Movement and The Weekly,
Mahan argued that sea power would protect shipping : Mahan argued that sea power would protect shipping and provide access to world markets: "Sea power is essential to the greatness of every splendid people.
Class-based societal divisions in world history : The longest-lasting set of rigid, class-based societal divisions in world history, the Indian consisted of five principal groups, based on occupation."
Critical-indispensable in pushing through aca legislation : Who was the most critical and indispensable in pushing through the ACA legislation? Why? What role, relationships, or stature helped their cause?
Federalists and anti-federalists : Describe and analyze the arguments that Federalists and Anti-Federalists made for and/or against the ratification of the U.S. Constitution
Introduction to rome and christianity : As we learned in the presentation Introduction to Rome and Christianity, the National Gallery of Art Museum resembles the Parthenon in Greece.
Diversity of geographical interests in the community : It is thus that our political system, resting on the great principle involved in the recognized diversity of geographical interests in the community
Byzantine Emperor in Constantinople on the Black Sea : Some Norse people traveled widely outside of Scandinavia. Some even served in the elite guard of the Byzantine Emperor in Constantinople on the Black Sea


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