Reference no: EM132245947 , Length: 3700 Words
Brand Communication and Reputation Management Assignment -
Learning Outcomes - In the assessment you will need to:
- Compare and contrast PR responses to contemporary cases of crisis handling and reputation management.
- Synthesise possible alternative PR responses based upon knowledge of theory.
- Construct a set of guidelines for effective crisis handling in a contemporary media and social context.
Assignment -
The reputation management strand of your assessment comes in two stages: a formative presentation in week five of the block and written report in week six.
The assignment itself is a critical analysis of two recent crises. You will select the crises yourself, subject to the following restrictions:
1. Both crises must have occurred within the last twelve months.
2. Your choice is subject to tutor approval after your presentation.
One of your case studies should be a crisis which, in your opinion (for which you will give reasons), was handled badly and the other one which was handled well - again, your opinion, which you must defend.
In week five all students will present their case studies to the class. You will receive peer and tutor feedback at this stage, which will enable you to refine and improve your case studies for the written submission. Typically students greatly improve their case studies following questions and tips from their colleagues, including the tutor.
The presentation stage is compulsory. It is a requirement in order to get your chosen case studies approved for submission.
In week six you will submit your 3,500 word report which is the written part of your assignment and which will be marked within 10 working days.
Hints for the oral presentation:
Students find the oral presentation stage extremely valuable. Some also find it nerve-wracking, but please try to relax. The purpose is to help you improve your assignment. You don't get assessed on your confidence or your presentation skills.
In your oral presentation briefly outline the facts. Say what happened, and when. (When is critical to getting your case study choices approved).
The main part of your presentation should be reserved for a critical analysis. Tell us what each organisation did well and what it did badly. Wrap up with a conclusion about why one was a successfully handled crisis and the other badly handled.
Hints for the written report:
Remember this is a Master's degree assignment. Description of what happened is not enough to pass. You must show critical analysis of the case. You should apply one or more of the theories from class or from the extensive literature on marketing, public relations or crisis management. For higher marks apply several theories and reach a synthesised evaluation based on what you have learned from using the different theories.
You should consider such things as:
1. Media coverage: did the media cover the issue fairly?
2. Media handling: did the organisation successfully communicate through the media?
3. Social media: to what extent did social communications drive the crisis? How did the organisation(s) respond?
4. Did the crisis arise internally or was there an external catalyst?
5. How well did the organisation handle technical aspects of the crisis?
6. How well did the organisation handle communications aspects of the crisis?
It may or may not be necessary to consider all of the above points depending on the nature of the crisis you have selected.
Your opinion is crucial, but it must be well argued and supported in the facts. You must cite references throughout.
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