Critical analysis of research sources

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Reference no: EM131851442

Assessment - Journal


Written Component

1. Choose five of the summaries of readings, either from your set text or from your electronic readings, that you have been preparing each week. For each of your five summaries:

a) Reference each Research Source (approx. 100 words)

At the beginning of each discussion of each research source, describe the source, the form (ie. written, spoken, visual etc.), where you found it, and where it is kept. These records are important for the historian - be as detailed as you can.

Use the Chicago Referencing system.

At the end of the overall assignment, include a reference list that shows the extent of your research so far.

b) Critical Analysis of Research Sources (approx. 250 words for each of 5 different sources):

Critically analyse each source by discussing how it contributes to your knowledge of the historical subject. Start by thinking about these questions as a guide for analysis:

What is its relation to the historical subject eg. does it show ‘eye-witness' or ‘second-hand' knowledge?

What does it say about the aspect of Australian history that you are researching?

How far would you accept it as a ‘factual' source?

Is it a subjective (opinion or interpretation-based) or objective (factual) piece of evidence?

If it's subjective, does it show any bias, or a strong point of view ie. is there a strong voice emanating from it (eg. in a letter) that suggests certain ideas of the moment it was produced eg. racist ideas?

If relevant, what were the circumstances surrounding its production?

2) Ideas for Further Research (approx. 150 words):

As this assignment is the initial research for Assignment 3 (research essay), develop a possible ‘essay question' that you would like to answer by further research.

A list of essay questions will be included in this Course Information as a guide only (see Assignment 3). If you choose one of these, explain why, and you are strongly encouraged to adjust the essay question to suit your research interests.

University policy (C-1.4) states: The University will use inclusive language in all academic and administrative written and spoken communication. Please follow this policy when preparing your assessments.

Guidance: There is a worksheet that provides tips on how to write chapter reviews on the course site.

Formatting and Presentation of Assignment (Class Journal):

For chapter reviews, type the chapter heading at the top, and then insert the full reference of the chapter or article that you are reviewing in a reference list at the end of the review. Also include any extra references that you may have used in your discussion;
for reflective writing, just type a ‘title' at the top;

for essay preparation, type the full essay question at the top;

include a bibliography at the end of your assignment, including references already referred to in chapter reviews.

Include in-text references in the Chicago referencing style where appropriate.

Also, see general formatting requirements under the assessment summary table above.

Graduate Qualities Assignment:

1. Developing a body of knowledge - The Journal assignment creates an opportunity for a ‘record-keeping' of knowledge gained from the articles you are reading, leading to a more active knowledge of Australian history.

2. Lifelong Learning - It also develops your skills of analysis and reflection, note-taking, researching and time-management. These skills you may already have, but are useful to future professions.

4. Working autonomously and collaboratively - While your Journal is produced autonomously, it is shared with other internal students in workshops.

5. Ethical action - A study of history makes us more aware of the social, cultural, economic and political issues of the present, and these kinds of reflections are encouraged in the Journal.

6. Communicating effectively - The Journal assignment asks you to effectively communicate your knowledge, and pose ideas and questions that other students might find useful.

7. International perspectives - It also provides an opportunity to engage with the articles on Australia's relationship with Britain in the colonial period, or its shifting allegiance to America after WW2.

Reference no: EM131851442

Questions Cloud

What roles does each play within the organizational setting : In a lenglthy peice explain what are the six major functions of human resource management as identified by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)?
Create a small sports database with two tables : Create a small Sports database with two tables: Team and Athlete. The Team table should include fields for the type of team (e.g., basketball).
How does an unbalanced concentration of wealth occur : How in a free society like the U.S., can a small group of people continually control so much of the wealth?
Create small bank account database with one account table : Create small Bank Account database with one Account table. Account table should have field for account number customer last and first names and current balance.
Critical analysis of research sources : Choose five of the summaries of readings, either from your set text or from your electronic readings, that you have been preparing each week
Create a small family database with one table : Create a small Family database with one table to include data about members of your family. Include data fields such as family member number and first name.
How does a table adapter differ from a data adapter : What happens when you drag a dataset table from the Data Sources window onto a blank form? How does a table adapter differ from a data adapter?
How does your lifestyle affect the behavior : How does your lifestyle affect the behavior you want to change Behavior that i want to change is (reducing/stopping consumption of alcoholic drinks)
How the dataset table adapter and a data grid object are use : Explain how the dataset, table adapter, and a data grid object are used to update a database.


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