Critical analysis of career vision and self-reflection

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Reference no: EM132971467

MPM 732 Critical Thinking for Managers - Deakin University

Critical Analysis of Career Vision and Self-Reflection

Learning Outcome 1: Critically examine personal and professional career-related dynamics to inform insight and decision-making

Learning Outcome 2: Identify, interpret, evaluate and synthesise a diversity of evidence and perspectives to develop a critically robust argument

Learning Outcome 3: Effectively communicate knowledge, information and opinion to inform and influence audiences

In this assessment task you will apply the process of critical thinking to identify a vision for your career development. Your vision will then be used to identify the core competencies you have mastered, that will assist you in your career in the short term (next 5 years).

This assignment is comprised of 4 parts. In the first two parts, you will use the "Superstrong" tool to help you identify your personal inventory of capabilities. You will then apply the critical thinking tools and techniques in this unit to analyse this information and produce a "vision for self" in parts 3 of this assignment. Make sure that what you write for your "vision for self" clearly explains how your capabilities will make you competitive in the career path that you have identified. The last part of the assignment will require you to review and critique the critical thinking tools and techniques that you have used in order to create this vision.

Stage 1: data gathering
Complete the SuperStrong activity. Instructions for SuperStrong can be found in this document.

To complete the SuperStrong Interest Inventory:
1. Sign up to SuperStrong. Fill in your details using your Deakin email address and a password of choice.
2. Work through the questions. Make sure to take your time and be honest with yourself. The results are only as accurate as the information you put in.
3. Results page will show your personalised SuperStrong Insights and Occupational Themes.
4. Scroll down and ‘like or dislike' the career areas of interest. Click ‘Save Ratings'.
5. Select ‘Career Pathways' to explore jobs based on your interests by selecting the ‘Show More' tab.
(You can also search for other jobs using the ‘Open Search' function).
6. Select careers of interest for more information.

Stage 2: data description and interpretation

Complete each section of your Personal Dashboard before starting your self-assessment. Some of the entries for your Personal Dashboard will be addressed in the Study guide. Other entries will require you to think about them now and reflecting.

Stage 3: critical interpretation and argument

Use the results of the SuperStrong Inventory Tool as a basis to create a critical "Vision for Me" in which you define, communicate and justify:
1. Who am I? (beliefs, values, ethics)
2. Where are my personal strengths and skills?
3. What primary career pathway am I best suited to and why?
4. What skills, knowledge, core competencies and qualities do I manifest that make me an asset to an employer in my chosen field?

Stage 4: Reflection on tools and techniques

In this section you are required to identify and justify the critical thinking tools and techniques employed in the development, critical interpretation and justification / defence of your personal vision across the preceding 3 stages.

Word limit: 2000 (with 10% variance).

Suggested report format:
1. Introduction
2. Stage 2: data description and interpretation
3. Stage 3: critical interpretation and argument
4. Stage 4: Reflection on tools and techniques
5. Conclusion
6. References

Attachment:- Critical Thinking for Managers.rar

Reference no: EM132971467

Questions Cloud

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Critical analysis of career vision and self-reflection : Critical Analysis of Career Vision and Self-Reflection - Identify, interpret, evaluate and synthesise a diversity of evidence and perspectives
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