Criminal justice effectiveness drives budget funding

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Reference no: EM133047019

Discussion 1.

Criminal justice effectiveness drives budget funding and the federal and state grant process. However, what does it mean to be effective? In the last two decades, data-driven decision-making is defining effectiveness in criminal justice, often resulting in best practices adoption depending on the criminal justice issue, politics, and available resources such as funding and personnel. Research drawing conclusions from data collected has been a large part of this process.

- Critique the major sources of data about crime in the US. What are their strengths and weaknesses? How should these sources be used in research, and how should that research influence management and policy? What cautions would you suggest?

- Should major sources of crime data measure criminal justice organizational effectiveness? Why or why not?

- Conduct a Tiffin University library search for a data-driven academic article. What did you learn and can the results be applied in a criminal justice setting? Why or why not?

Discussion 2.

Readings this week cover the application process and the interview. When looking for a career in the criminal justice field, you need to be prepared. There are many aspects to consider, including but not limited to interview (both individual and panel), background checks, possible polygraph test, and the lengthy process, just to name a few.

- As a criminal justice employer deluged with applications, how would you eliminate 50 percent of them right away? How would you identify the top 10% of the applications?

- List opportunities you could create to sell yourself besides the traditional résumé and interview.

- List the top five initial interview questions to be asked by a criminal justice employer knowing the goal is to seek dialogue between the interviewer and interviewee.

Reference no: EM133047019

Questions Cloud

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