Criminal justice and public safety

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Reference no: EM133558381


For this first reflection, I would like you to consider what you know of leadership and its interface with criminal justice and public safety. Why is leadership important here (that might sound obvious but I want to know your why)? What does leadership do well in criminal justice and public safety? What do you think is missing in that same leadership? What have you read and/or have we examined in our first few weeks that might inform what you envision that leadership to be versus where it needs to be?

Reference no: EM133558381

Questions Cloud

How does concept of writing to different audiences : How does the concept of writing to different audiences affect the way a researcher presents their written material?
Ensure integrity by reducing police corruption : Post a directive illustrating techniques that you would like to be used in prison. Create examples that better ensure integrity by reducing police corruption.
Differences in criminology and criminal justice : Explain the similarities and differences between criminology and criminal justice.
Difficult and sometimes isolating : The transition from officer to supervisor is difficult and sometimes isolating. What are of the some issues that complicate the transition.
Criminal justice and public safety : what you know of leadership and its interface with criminal justice and public safety.
American people and government missed opportunity to learn : Can you think of any other examples in which the American people and government missed an opportunity to learn from its history?
Think of social media movement or panic : Think of a social media movement or panic that was once popular but has since lost momentum. What caused the movement to lose momentum?
Terrorists do not actually launder money : Has your definition of terrorist financing changed? Do you agree that terrorists do not actually launder money?
Public understanding of patrol functions : What could be done to improve the public's understanding of patrol functions, and what are "legal" uses of force, and what constitutes an "illegal" use of force


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