Credit scoring as a risk assessment tool

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Reference no: EM13253229

Credit scoring as a risk assessment tool in the insurance industry is someone's credit rating indicative of their insurance risk.?

It good public policy to allow insurers to use it?

Reference no: EM13253229

Questions Cloud

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Credit scoring as a risk assessment tool : Credit scoring as a risk assessment tool in the insurance industry is someone's credit rating indicative of their insurance risk?
What is the output signal from the bandpss filter : A CT signal x(t) can be depicted as follow. It is a periodic function with T0 = 1 micro sec, and amplitude A = 1. The second signal y(t) is a sinusoid function with the fundamental frequency of 900 MHz, i.e., y(t) = cos(2*pi*fc*t)
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Explain the various duties of the national union president : List and explain the various duties of the national union president and executive board members, and illustrate how their remuneration is not always considered "fair compensation" as compared to their CEO-counterpart in the U.S. corporations.


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