Creativity in presentation is encouraged

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13816170

The project for this course will be completion of a research paper or power point presentation. The project will be due to the instructor in Unit 9. Your research paper or power point presentation will cover the laws and release of information of given topics listed.

The research paper or power point presentation must address key elements or release of information for one of the following types of patients. The topics are as follows:

1. Release of Information in AIDS/HIV cases


2. Release of Information mental health and developmental disability cases


3. Release of information in behavioral health cases


4. Release of information in Drug and Alcohol Abuse cases


5. Advanced Directives/Living Wills/Medical Power of Attorney


  • Define each individually.


  • Do the laws governing these vary by state?


  • What role does the health information department play in these?




The paper should include the following:


5-6 double-spaced pages (Excluding Title and Reference Page), Times new Roman, 12 point Font


Appropriate references (Two or more separate references)


Follow the guidelines of APA formatting • Title Page


Reference Page


Running Header


For APA guidelines, refer to the following sections in the Kaplan Writing Center:


An Introduction to APA Citation,


Sample APA Citations,


APA Manuscript Style.

Power Point Instructions: Research should follow the same guidelines as the paper. Students should then create a 15-20 slide presentation outlining the key elements found in your research on the topic of your choice. Presentations should be professional in appearance, contain accurate information including source citations and be thorough in content. Creativity in presentation is encouraged.

Reference no: EM13816170

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