Reference no: EM133317387
Family History
Question: For this project, a creative work that represents one story from your family history. As part of this assignment, you must investigate the broader historical context of your story
Remember that a "family story" might mean just about anything. Your project might center on a relative or ancestor (a soldier, a public figure, a ne'er-do-well, a teacher, a leader, a victim, a rebel, a businessperson, etc.), or a family event (a migration, a loss, a split, a rise in status, etc.), or a time your family lived through (the Depression, a war, the Summer of Love, etc.). Start thinking about your topic, and call on your relatives to fill in any details they can. Then, do some research on the history surrounding the story, and try to narrow your investigation. Try to determine the how, where, when, and why. If you are writing about a immigration, discover some of the reasons people were leaving the country at the time (potato famine? communism? religious oppression?). On the other hand, the history you need may be more local; it may have more to do with developments in your hometown. Or, you may want to know more about the era in which the story is set. Did it happen during Prohibition, a labor strike? As you can see, the subject of this paper depends on your family history and your interests. If there is any reason that you don't have access to any family stories-and this is the case sometimes-then you have permission to take the story from your own life and history. The goal of this project is to give us insight into the cross-sections of history, culture, and personal expression; your mission is to put creativity and information together in an interesting, fluid, and meaningful way.