Creative and create a unique scenario

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133159721

JAVA Program and Specification

For this assignment, you are required to develop your own Java Program to demonstrate you can use Java constructs including input/output, Java primitive and built-in types, selection and looping statements and various other Java commands. You can also include a menu interface, methods and a data structure for extra credit.

See details below under project details.

What to submit for this project

The Java source code:
You will need to submit your source file: (and any others). You can name your source file(s) to match your topic or scenario you have chosen.

If you submit the source code with an incorrect name you will lose marks.

Your specification for your program.
o Specification.docx
You will submit your files by the due date using the "Project" link on the Moodle unit website under
Assessment ... Project Submission.

Project Details

For this project you are to create your own Java program. Having completed the assignments, you should have the necessary skills to create a simple Java program, it should be at least at the level of assignment one or above.

Think of your own scenario
You will need to think of a small business or other scenario for your program. Think of something which interests you:
It could be a service: gardening, lawn mowing, window cleaning, dog walking, dog grooming, house cleaning, babysitting, car washing, home delivery, tutoring etc.
You could be selling a product: curries, sandwiches, tools, hamburgers, books, magazines, plants, bicycles etc.
It could be a calculation per person: compound interest projection, fuel consumption etc. The above are only suggestions try and be creative and create a unique scenario.
Talk with your tutor if you are unsure of what scenario to use.

You cannot use any scenario which has been used in the unit before, these include: Pizzas, Nemo Reef tours, a hotel, a carpark, drycleaners, car hire or sales, fruit shop, weather, student marks, catering, personal training and Rocky Blues lessons. You will receive zero if you submit any of these scenarios.

Program requirements
Your program will need to read in N entries where N is the largest digit of your student ID, or single entries at a time in a menu system.

For each entry you need to read in at least a String or more if it is required and read in a number or numbers to perform a calculation. The calculation should be dependent on a series of if else statements which depends on a variation of pricing based on number of items. If it is just a calculation per entry then use if else statements to report on the result for example: calculating fuel consumption could report being very efficient, normal or not efficient.

For each entry you will need to report the charges or calculation results similar to the receipt printed for assignment one.
After the entries have been entered you will need to report a couple of cumulative values total money collected and an average of some value (it could be the average of money collected) for example.

These could be displayed in a display all option if you are using a menu interface.

For extra credit you can include a menu interface and store the records using an advanced data structure such as an array of objects, parallel arrays or an ArrayList.

Your program needs to display the principles of good programming practises: meaningful identifiers using camel notation, correct indentation and layout, constants used for numeric values and correct commenting including a header comment for all files if applicable.

Program Specification Report

For the second part of the project you will need to produce a specification for your program. Your specification should include the following parts:

Title page
Title of the program, your name and student number, due date and a very short description of the program (not a full abstract).
Scenario description and program specification
Completely describe your program, including a description of the scenario you have chosen, examples of calculations and/or pricing schemes, what needs to be input and what needs to be output including accumulated values at the end of the program or display all in a menu application.

Screen shots and descriptions of the output
Include screen shots of the expected look and feel of your program including all test cases. These screen shots need to be fully annotated.

Create a marking scheme
Imagine you setting your program as an assignment for students, so you need to create a marking scheme out of twenty marks. Consider what is important in creating a professional program and weight each aspect accordingly. You will not include marks for a report, just provide marks for the program.

Appendix of source code
You will also include your source code copy and pasted into an appendix, do not worry about format loss.

Attachment:- JAVA Program__Project.rar

Reference no: EM133159721

Questions Cloud

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Creative and create a unique scenario : You will need to think of a small business or other scenario for your program - personal training and Rocky Blues lessons
Describe organizational behavior : Describe what Organizational behavior means to you and why it is important.
Basics and philosophleeligion sections : Please answer all the following questions, making sure to reference at least 2 of the resources from the Basics and Philosophleeligion sections
What factors influence public opinion in texas : What factors influence public opinion in Texas? Remember to be specific about Texas. Why would a poll tax be unconstitutional?
What is the cost of goods available for sale : The cost of goods sold is equal to 300% of selling expenses. What is the cost of goods available for sale


Write a Review

JAVA Programming Questions & Answers

  Run the code

Run the following code, Explain the output aYer you let it run 20 seconds, 5 minutes, 10 minutes.

  Display the meal charge and tax amount

The tip should be 15 percent of the total after adding the tax. Display the meal charge, tax amount, tip amount, and total bill on the screen.

  When would a gui (graphical user interface) be a poor choice

Discuss the following questions with your classmates: When would a GUI (graphical user interface) be a poor choice for reading data into a program? Why? Please give specific reasons for your answer.

  Write the code to print out a customer report

Write the code to print out a customer report. Your code must read each customer from a file, populate the object, place the object in a linked list.

  Write a program that takes in an integer in the range

Write a program that takes in an integer in the range 20-98 as input. The output is a countdown starting from the integer, and stopping when both output digits

  Write a program that reads in the file

Write a program that reads in the file and exports it to a standard CSV format. For the records above, the output format would be Freddy Kruger, 1313 Mockingbird Lane, Houston, Texas Billy Thornton, 1010 Slingblade Street, Houston, Texas

  How many of each item should be ordered

Perform an operation to determine how many of each item should be ordered to maintain the stock - The program must use a pop-up dialogue box to get

  Perform an internet search

Perform an Internet search for Java® applets. Explore various websites that feature free Java® applets. Write a 400- to 500-word paper, addressing the following:

  Explain why the teller application can call the withdraw

Explain why the Teller application can call the withdraw and deposit methods using a SavingsAccount object reference, even though we did not define these methods

  What violations and crimes would you definitely file

What if you were a parole officer and had to decide whether or not to file complaints against your parolees? What violations and crimes would you definitely file complaints for and what would you most likely overlook and why?

  Report on emergent technologies

Critique the issues involved in developing reliable, secure, and scalable distributed systems and Discuss the technology needs and social impact arising

  Client class to test implementation of the vector class

Write a client class to test your implementation of the Vector3D class thatyou implemented. Name the package in which this class is defined (projectname) vector3dapp.

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