Creating villian

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380174

Assume I have declared the following struct:

struct Villian {
int wit;
int stealth;
int slainCount;
int slainCap;
string* victimsSlain;

Question1. Announce a new Villian called sharpay who has a wit of 24, a stealth of sixteen, and who has currently claimed three victims: Chad, Troy, and Gabriella. Give sharpay an initial capacity to vanquish ten victims.

Question2. Write a function called copyVillian that takes two Villian parameters, one called orig and the other called copycat, and makes copycat a deep copy of orig. Hint: a "deep copy" is one that would allow copy to exist completely separately from orig. In other words, they will not share any memory locations.


Reference no: EM1380174

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