Creating use case

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Reference no: EM132348927

Assignment 2: Creating a Use Case

In the textbook, refer to the RMO CSMS marketing subsystem Figure 3-10d on page 83.

Write a paper in which you research use case diagrams:

Create a diagram using Visio, Word, or your choice of program that can create a use case graphic rendering. 

Use figure 3-12 on page 84 and figure 3-14 on page 86 as exemplars.

Remember to paste a copy of the diagram in the paper.


Write an analysis of the use case drawing that you created. Analyze the actors and how they relate to the use cases in the diagram. (Your answer should show the purpose and importance of use case diagrams.)

Use at least 2 quality resources. NOTE: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Identify system stakeholders and formulate their needs.

Create a use case based on relating functional requirements.

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Reference no: EM132348927

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