Creating the gui for the game interface

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131730


Write a GUI-based application that allows a user to play a simple trivia game. The game should have 5 questions. Each question should have a corresponding answer and a point value between 1 and 3, based on the difficulty of the question. Manually hardcode the 5 questions, answers and point values into your program.

When creating the GUI for the game interface, use a layout of your choice with the appropriate text fields, labels and buttons to implement your design. The program should ask the player each question one at a time and allow the player to enter an answer. If the player's answer matches the actual answer, the player wins the number of points for that question. If the player's answer is incorrect, the player wins no points for that question and the program should show the correct answer. After the player has answered all 5 questions, the game is over and the program should display the player's total score and then terminate.

Reference no: EM131730

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