Creating the dynamic pizza pie buttons

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM132316695


Project name: Something that makes sense for project. Ex. PizzaOrder


Create a pizza ordering form that will look like the form below.
• On startup, the user needs to enter how many pizzas they would like to order
o Limit the number between 1 and 9 pizzas
o The toppings selection section should be disabled while we have no pizza pies to put toppings on
• When user clicks the ‘Start order' button, dynamically create as many pies as the user wants to buy
o Hint: You can use the radio button control set to look like a button, that way you only select one pizza pie at a time
o Hint: Make sure you have scroll bars so that the user can get to all the pizzas
• Create a Pizza class that will hold information about each pizza.
o Hint: you may want to create a Pizza object as you're creating the dynamic pizza pie buttons, and store the Pizza object in the Tag property of each pizza button
o Hint: You may wish to have an ‘activePizza' object in the form → when a new pizza is selected, you can get the Pizza object from the Tag property and set it as the active pizza. This way, you can save your pizza toppings as the user is making their selections (think event handling here)
• You should be able to go back to a pizza you already selected the toppings for, and be able to load those toppings into the toppings' section of the form.
o Hint: When a new or old pizza is selected, get the Pizza object from the Tag property, and set up the toppings based on what is saved in the Pizza object for that pie - Hint: have good default values for the Pizza object
• After user makes all selections for all the pizzas, clicking the ‘Check Out' button should make the form larger to reveal the order summary section (see images below)
o When we are in checkout mode, user should not be able to make any changes to the pizza pies
• Hint: you may wish to disable the controls that the user is not allowed to use
• Hint: if you divide your screen into panels, it is easy to disable all controls in each panel by setting the Enabled property of the panel to false

o From the Order summary, clicking the "Start New Order" button should make the form the original size, and reset all controls as if we just launched the form. For example:
• Get rid of the old pizza pie buttons
• Enable all controls as required
• Disable the toppings section until we again have new Pizza pies to put toppings on
• etc

Reference no: EM132316695

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