Creating sustainable organisational performance

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Reference no: EM133591859 , Length: word count:3500

Unit 03 Human Resource Management, Higher National Diploma in Business

Assignment - Human Resource Management

Learning Outcome 1: Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance and contributing to business success.

Learning Outcome 2: Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and retaining talent and skills to achieve business objectives.

Learning Outcome 3: Examine how external and internal factors can affect HRM decision making in relation to organisational development.

Learning Outcome 4: Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable organisational performance.

Assignment Brief

LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance and contributing to business success.
Define HRM and enlist different specialist areas of HR, e.g. resourcing, employee relations, organisational development and design, learning and development.
Explain typical roles in HR and responsibilities, i.e HR Manager: the role you are opting for in this assignment.
Discuss the skills needed to fulfill the job.
Demonstrate the hard and soft models of HRM, along the nature and use of data analytics to support achievement of business objectives and meeting strategic aims.
Discuss the impact of HRM on organisational performance, e.g. effective recruitment and selection to meet specific knowledge and skills requirements, growing internal talent through training and development and focusing on longer-term resource issues.
Discuss the methods to measure organisational and individual performance and the types of pay and reward systems.

LO2 Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and retaining talent and skills to achieve business objectives.
Explain the importance of workforce planning and application of data analytics.
Identify how to assess skills and capabilities using audits and gap analysis for identifying talent and skills gaps.
Identify types of labour market and skills shortages affecting recruitment and hard-to-fill vacancies.
Discuss different models of recruitment and selection along sources of recruitment, e.g. internal vs. external.
Identify stages in recruitment and selection.
Explain different types of selection methods, including competence-based selection.
Discuss the role of line managers in employee engagement and performance management, managing attrition, restructuring and redeployment, redundancy of employees.

LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can affect HRM decision making in relation to organisational development
Identifying factors external to the organisation that influence HRM:
• impact of external factors on organisational performance, including the skills gaps and labour force trends.
• impact of globalisation on HR policies for equality, diversity and raising cultural awareness and sensitivity within the workplace.
• impact of legal and regulatory frameworks.

2. Explain the Internal factors, including:
• the impact and influence of leadership styles on organisational
transformation, culture and employee experience
• learning and development, how people learn, impact of digital learning
• the relationship between organisational culture and strategic planning and development and the impact of motivation upon performance.

Discuss Digital transformation of HR functions, e.g. reporting dashboards and predictive models for advanced people analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) for talent acquisition, cloud capabilities for measuring team performance and calibration decision making.

LO4 Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for improving sustainable organisational performance.
Identifying the qualities and attributes relevant to the design of a person specification.
Designing a person specification relevant to a chosen job role.
Explain in detail the recruitment and selection in practice and selection of the best practice.
Discuss managing performance to attain competitive advantage and increase job satisfaction.
Embed the learning and reflective practice in personal development planning along managing under performance, disciplinary, industrial disputes and grievance procedures.

Reference no: EM133591859

Questions Cloud

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