Creating several pieces of a career portfolio

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Reference no: EM131067863

Career Portfolio: Statement of Career Objectives

Part I: Statement of Career Objectives

A career portfolio is a great asset to help guide your future success. Your portfolio will be shaped by the experiences education and training you have had to this point in your life. As part of this course you'll be creating several pieces of a career portfolio and learning about the other types of information that are often included.

As a student in this course you likely fit into two categories. One is as recent high school graduate or enrolled college/university student and the other as a student entering the workplace or embarking on a new career.

For this assignment you'll be creating your "statement of career objectives" which are often included in professional resumes and help guide choices you'll make regarding your education and employment. In addition you'll need to start creating a list of the supporting materials that help to illustrate your skills and experience.

The following is a list of the types of information often included in a career portfolio:

1. Recently graduated students/GED/Enrolled College or University Students

statement of career objectives (Required)
high school diploma/GED
writing samples
awards (academic, citizenship, volunteering, sports)
letters of thanks and appreciation
letters of recommendations from coaches, principals, teachers
articles and/or newsletters in which your name appears or you were involved
club memberships, including any positions held and committee work involvement
records of community/church involvement
community/church service appreciation awards
letter of acceptance from University
agendas or programs featuring your name
records of training (for example CPR)
list of computer skills
language proficiency statement (multiple languages spoken, written, read)
summary statement of outstanding projects involved in

II. Employed students

statement of career objectives (Required)
samples of work
writing samples
positive work evaluation forms and memos from supervisors-just about anything that will prove that you did what you said you did on your resume
diplomas, certificates, degrees or transcripts
letters of thanks and appreciation
records of attendance, sales, services performed, etc.
articles and/or newsletters in which your name appears or you were involved
awards (for example, customer service awards, employee and volunteer appreciation awards)
charts, brochures and reports
agendas or programs featuring your name
surveys, especially customer surveys

Reference no: EM131067863

Questions Cloud

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Creating several pieces of a career portfolio : Your portfolio will be shaped by the experiences education and training you have had to this point in your life. As part of this course you'll be creating several pieces of a career portfolio and learning about the other types of information that ..
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Shortage of domestic currency : If actions of the Chinese government caused a shortage of domestic currency, then the exchange rate would be above the market equilibrium and U.S. dollars per Chinese yuan will tend to rise.
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What underlying common thread between government or politics : List the fundamental theses and outline the proposed solutions of the three articles. What is the underlying common thread between them?


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