Creating service commissions to oversee hiring

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Reference no: EM133815590


The Caribbean public sector has historically been fraught with challenges surrounding labor relations. In the 1930s, colonial governments in Trinidad and Jamaica began implementing measures to prevent political interference in the civil service, creating service commissions to oversee hiring and promotions. These commissions were intended to ensure that merit, not politics, guided decisions in the public sector.

Decades later, Jamaica's adoption of the "Executive Model" centralized public sector wage negotiations under the executive arm of government. This approach streamlined decision-making but was criticized for reducing union input and potentially marginalizing workers' voices.

Guyana, on the other hand, embraced decentralized dialogue forums that allowed for greater union participation in decision-making. While this approach was more inclusive, it often resulted in prolonged negotiations, complicating efforts to address pressing labor issues like wage stagnation and poor working conditions.

In Trinidad & Tobago, public sector industrial relations have remained relatively stable but have been challenged by economic downturns. The government has attempted to balance economic constraints with worker demands by maintaining the principles of fairness and merit introduced during the colonial era, though disputes occasionally arise due to evolving economic pressures.


1. Based on the case study analyse the challenges facing employees and unions in the public sector in the Caribbean.

2. Describe the steps taken by the colonial government to protect the civil service from political influence in Trinidad and Jamaica.

3. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the Jamaican "Executive Model" to Guyana's decentralized dialogue forums in managing public sector industrial relations.

4. Explain how new approaches in public management in Trinidad & Tobago could be adapted to address public sector challenges in Jamaica or Guyana.

5. Suggest an alternative approach to improve public sector industrial relations in the Caribbean. Discuss potential advantages and risks.

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Reference no: EM133815590

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