Creating network and security diagrams

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM133085913

Lab sheet: Visualization tools

Objectives: - Creating network and security diagrams


When designing networks or networking related reports, you are likely to require tools to plot diagrams. Two commonly used tools are:
- Visio is a web-based application to plot diagrams. It integrates with Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox. It is free to use and can be used to create multiple diagram types including
- Flowcharts
- Organisational structures
- Engineering diagrams
- Software diagrams
- UML diagrams
- Venn diagrams

Visio is a Microsoft product. It is available as an add-on to Microsoft Office 365. This application is also available on Federation University's lab machines.

Task 1 - Invoke supports many web browsers. To start this application
- Open a browser
- Enter OR in the browser's address field
- Choose "Create New Diagram"
- Choose the type of Diagram (For this lab Network)

Task 2 - Create a network diagram that resembles the one shown below.

1858_network diagram.jpg

Task 3
To gain marks repeat tasks 1 and 2 using Visio and include your diagram in Lab Report 2.

Reference no: EM133085913

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