Creating market graphs and calculating equilibrium

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM1371877

1. Rochester Metro Area was hit with a major ice storm in 2003. Suppose that before ice storm of 2003, the weekly demand and supply for ice in the Rochester Metro Area were given by the following equations:

Dpre: P = 100 - Q
Spre: S = 5 + 0.5Q

a. Draw a graph representing the Rochester ice market before the storm, and label it carefully. What was the equilibrium price for the Rochester ice market before the storm? What was the total quantity of ice traded?

b. As a result of the ice storm, electricity went out in the Rochester area. The demand for ice increased due to the lack of electricity to power refrigerators. The lack of power also caused the supply to decrease. Ice producers were still able to produce some ice using electric generators. Other ice had to be imported from other areas with power. The relevant post storm equations are the following:

Dpost: P = 110 - Q
Spost: P = 10 + 2Q

Draw a graph representing the Rochester ice market after the storm, and label it carefully. What is the new equilibrium price? What is the quantity?


Reference no: EM1371877

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