Creating growth opportunities in the international market

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131071412 , Length: 16000 words

 Write a Dissertation on Topic:- Strategic Alliances: Creating growth opportunities in the international market- towards a global village


The research describes the process of strategic alliance and its impact on the global marketplace. Strategic Alliance has evolved as an essential tool for the corporate sector to reduce the pressure of competition and create a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. The researcher has tried to explain the process of creating an alliance and has chosen the case of Shaca Construction and Urban Fabrik, construction companies for evaluating the above assertion. The researcher has gathered relevant primary and secondary resources for understanding the past developments of the process and compares them with the present situation. The researcher has used a suitable research methodology for evaluating the research aims and objectives.

Dissertation must be written in 15,000 words count, it must include Title Page, Abstract, Body Part, Conclusion, References and Appendices 

Table fo content for Dissertation 

  • Research Structure: 7
  • Chapter 1: Introduction 8
  • 1.0 Introduction: 8
  • 1.2 Background of the study: 8
  • 1.3 Rationale of the study: 9
  • 1.4 Problem Statement: 10
  • 1.5 Research Aim: 11
  • 1.6 Research Objectives: 11
  • 1.7 Structure of the Research: 11
  • 1.8 Conclusion: 12
  • Chapter 2: Literature Review 13
  • 2.1 Introduction: 13
  • 2.2 Conceptual Framework: 13
  • 2.3 International Strategic Alliance: 14
  • 2.4 Theories of Strategic Alliance: 15
  • 2.4.1 Knowledge based theory: 15
  • 2.4.2 Resource Based Theory: 16
  • 2.5 Trusts and Control in Strategic Alliance: 18
  • 2.6 Comparing Strategic Alliance with Joint Venture and Mergers: 20
  • 2.7 Logic behind creating strategic alliances: 21
  • 2.8 Demerits of Strategic Alliance: 21
  • 2.9 Role of key individuals in Strategic Alliance: 22
  • 2.10 Summary: 23
  • 3.0 Introduction 24
  • 3.1 Methods Outline 24
  • 3.2 Research Onion: 24
  • 3.5 Research Design: 28
  • 3.5.1 Justification and limitations for selection of Descriptive design: 28
  • 3.6 Sampling Method: 28
  • 3.7 Data Collection Methods: 29
  • 3.8 Research methods: 29
  • 3.9 Research Questions: 30
  • 3.10 Research Ethics: 30
  • 3.11 Research Limitations: 30
  • 3.12 Summary: 30
  • Chapter 4: Presentation of Data 31
  • 4.1 Introduction: 31
  • 4.2 Quantitative Questionnaire for employees: 31
  • Chapter 5: Analysis of Data 42
  • 5.0 Introduction: 42
  • 5.1 Quantitative Analysis for employees: 42
  • 5.2 Qualitative Questionnaire for managers: 44
  • Chapter 6: Discussions and Interpretations of Findings 46
  • 6.0 Introduction: 46
  • 6.1 Interpretations of Quantitative Research: 46
  • 6.2 Interpretations of Qualitative Research: 49
  • Chapter 7: Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations 52
  • 7.0 Introduction: 52
  • 7.1 Objective Linking: 52
  • 7.2 Recommendations for the industry: 55
  • 7.2.1 Alliance Strategy: 55
  • 7.2.2 Alliance Management: 56
  • 7.2.3 Alliance Capability: 56
  • 7.3 Recommendations for future research: 57
  • References: 58
  • Appendices: 62
  • Section A: Quantitative Questionnaires 62
  • Section B: Qualitative Questionnaires 66
  • Section C: Reflective Statement of the study 67

Reference no: EM131071412

Questions Cloud

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What is the change in price bond will experience : A 6.05 percent coupon bond with fifteen years left to maturity is priced to offer a 7.1 percent yield to maturity. You believe that in one year, the yield to maturity will be 7.0 percent. What is the change in price the bond will experience in dollar..
To remove the inequalities we add the slack variable : To remove the inequalities we add the slack variable.
What must be the expected return on the market portfolio : You invest $2 in the risk free asset, and $3 in the market portfolio. The risk free rate is 2%. The expected return on your portfolio is 5%. What must be the expected return on the market portfolio?
Creating growth opportunities in the international market : Write a Dissertation on Topic:- Strategic Alliances: Creating growth opportunities in the international market- towards a global village
Taxonomic hierarchy of your microbe : Find a microbe that has been in the news since the current semester started or one you are interested in researching. You may choose a bacterium, virus, prion, viroid,fungi or protozoa. Of course, you can pick one that causes a disease in humans but ..
What actions would the fed take if inflation is too high : What action(s) would the Fed take if inflation is too high? What would it do if the unemployment rate is too high? What would it do if both inflation and unemployment rates are too high?
Compute each stock average return-standard deviation : Consider the following annual returns of Estee Lauder and Lowe’s Companies: Estee Lauder Lowe’s Companies Year 1 23.7 % − 9.0 % Year 2 − 22.0 16.4 Year 3 17.9 4.5 Year 4 50.2 42.0 Year 5 − 17.1 − 12.0 Compute each stock’s average return, standard dev..
What is the average monthly return : The past five monthly returns for Kohls are 3.60 percent, 3.77 percent, −1.74 percent, 9.28 percent, and −2.62 percent. What is the average monthly return? (Round your answer to 3 decimal places.) Average return %


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