Creating flowchart to compute and print the total sale

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380168

Question: A coorporation's salesman are selling toothpaste and tooth powder. The corporation having fifty salesman gives 10% commission on the sale of toothpaste and 20 percent commission on tooth powder. Draw a flowchart to compute and print the total sale and the total commission for each salesman.

Reference no: EM1380168

Questions Cloud

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Data Structure & Algorithms Questions & Answers

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Write the algorithm, by using pseudo code, to do the following task. Given string of numbers, identify all the substrings which form numbers that are divisible by 3.

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Certain points along the road, so that every house is within four miles of one of the base stations. Give an efficient algorithm that achieves this goal using as few base stations as possible.

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  Data structures used to organize typical file cabinet

Recognize at least two data structures which are used to organize typical file cabinet. Why do you feel it is essential to emulate these types of data structures in computer program?

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  Write algorithm for program to compute the sum of number

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