Creating er diagram

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379133

Question: Construct a table for consumer. The manager tells me that this table needs to track the following data: all customers' social security number, first and last name, address, city, state and zip code, email, phone number, birth date, and date of applying for a library card. Your task is to first "sketch" a customer table (basically what data items or columns should be included in the table) using the Customer_information table at background section as an example. The table should contain the following:

- Column heading include all the attributes that need to be in this table.
- Populate the table with five records of data

Design one more table: Customer checkout table to track the books and CDs that the customer has checked out from the library. Customers and Customer Checkout table are related to one another.

The Customer table contains the basic data on each customer and the primary key is customer number. There is one row for each customer.

The Customer Checkout table contains the data for each book. The primary key consists of two pieces of data: Checkout number and customer number. One customer can check out 1 or more books/CDs at a time, but only one customer on a check out order.

If I were to draw an ER diagram of my complete design for the community library, I could use Visio, or Microsoft word feature to draw the chart, or write down the table schemata and describe the relationships among them.


Reference no: EM1379133

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