Creating database for a human resources group

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380289

Question: Construct a database for a human resources group. List a few different tables and columns to store the HR information. State assumptions in creating the Data Base and underlying database objects. Use Access to create Data Base and tables.

Reference no: EM1380289

Questions Cloud

Separate inventory database : A 20-year old corporation, SewWorld, comprised of 6-locations in three states, sells sewing machines, sewing related software, and accessories. Each store sells between 3-5 different brands of sewing equipments.
Inventory tracking database : Construct a relational database of your choice. The DB should contain no more than six tables. Define three business requirements that this database will provide.
Inventory tracking database : Construct a relational database of your choice. The DB should contain no more than six tables. Define three business requirements that this database will provide.
How does dividend payment affect stock price : What are advantages and disadvantages of stock repurchases relative to traditional dividend payments and how does dividend payment affect stock price? any supporting evidence?
Creating database for a human resources group : Construct a database for a human resources group. List a few different tables and columns to store the HR information.
Question related to normalization : Think about a typical job order that might include the following information. Design a single table to hold all the data needed to store a job order including this information.
Create a context level dfd : Create a context level DFD. You should take your DFD to your tutorial for feedback before starting on the ER.
Entity relationship diagrams : Discuss why are Entity Relationship Diagrams an important initial stage in developing databases? Who would be the initial parties interacting to develop the ERDs?
Question about database structure : Determine when a typical database is created the structure is constructed before the data is actually loaded into the database. What problems exist when someone wishes to add or delete from the existing structure?


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