Creating convincing argument

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Reference no: EM133354005


For the purposes of creating a convincing argument, would it be preferable to have a higher amount of low-quality evidence or a lower amount of high-quality evidence?

Reference no: EM133354005

Questions Cloud

Analyzes data set collected-vip card members purchase record : The manager of a local department store analyzes a data set collected in 2022 regarding its department store VIP card members' purchase records
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How might concept of civil dialogue : How might the concept of "civil dialogue" impact the messages you send and receive in your face-to-face and digital communication?
Search engine optimization : How important are key words to Search Engine Optimization (SEM)? Why is mobile search likely to be even more important in the future?
Creating convincing argument : Creating a convincing argument, would it be preferable to have a higher amount of low-quality evidence or a lower amount of high-quality evidence?
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