Creating c+ programing

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379673

[1] Given the following declaration and definition of a structure:

struct computer {
float cost;
int year;
int cpu_speed;
char cpu_type[16];
} model;

Create a program to display the initial values held by the structure (you must use a structure) on the screen.

[2] When you enter the following data:

Enter the year: 1996
Enter the cost: $1234.56
Enter the CPU type: Pentium
Enter the CPU speed: 100MHz

[3] Your output will look like this:

The type of the CPU inside your computer is: Pentium
The speed (MHz) of the CPU is: 100
The year that your computer was made: 1996
You paid : $1234.56 for your computer


Reference no: EM1379673

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