Creating an operational plan to boost profit

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133165216

BSBOPS502 Manage business operational plans

Short Answer Questions

Preliminary Scenario

Bounce Fitness is a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia. The business offers innovative and varied classes to meet any of their clients' needs. The business current has four fitness centres - the head office in Cairns and other centres in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. You are creating an operational plan to boost profit by introducing a new fitness class.

Refer to this scenario when answering relevant SAQs. Relevant SAQs will be indicated by the opening statement: "You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane."

Question 1
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane.Your operational plan will require the recruitment of new fitness instructors. You must also seek feedback about whether the operational plan will be actionable and realistic.
To assist you in completing this task, access the page in the link below:

Identify one of each of the following stakeholders involved in the development of your operational plan:
a. Colleague
Colleague refers to an individualworking in the same Centre as you
b. Specialist resource manager
Specialist resource manager refers to an individual who takes charge of assigning resources and budgets to a project
Explainhow each identified stakeholder is involved in the development of your operational plan.

Question 2
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. You must now manage the implementation of your completed operational plan. This includes the implementation of delegated action items and contingencies when risks arise, such as equipment breaking down.
To assist you in completing this task, access the page in the link below:

Identify one of each of the following stakeholders involved in the management of your operational plan:
a. Colleague
b. Specialist resource manager
Explainhow each identified stakeholder is involved in the management of your operational plan.

Question 3
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. Escalation points are often involved in the creation of operational plans.
Escalation points refer to processes established to handle incidents and problems that need to be resolved at a higher management level.
For an example of Bounce Fitness' existing escalation points, access the document in the link below.
Maintaining Transaction Records Policies and Procedures
Explain the involvement of escalation points in the following phases of your operational plan:
a. Development
b. Management

Question 4
To assist you in completing this task, access Bounce Fitness from the link below.
Bounce Fitness Homepage
Read the scenariosbelow about operational plan proposals.
Locate the appropriate information from Bounce Fitness' filesand answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. You must develop a proposal for your operational plan. Your operational plan will include the recruitment of new fitness instructors.
You must access reliable and reputable sources of information to assist you in developing the proposal.
Reliable sources of information provide a thorough discussion on a topic that is based on strong evidence. Reputable sources of information refer to sources that are deemed credible because they consistently provide accurate and reliable information.

Identify two key sources of information you will need to develop the proposal. This must include:
» One resource requirement specialist source
Specialist sources refer to individuals who have significant knowledge and experience on specific fields.
» One Bounce Fitness document
Key sources of information refer to sources that are directly related to the information required in the document.
Explain in your own words why each identified source of information is key to developing the proposal.

Scenario 2
You have finished developing your operational plan proposal and must now present it to relevant stakeholders. Your presentation must include information on how the operational plan can help improve the Centre's financial circumstances.
Identify two key sources of information you will need to present the proposal. This must include:
» One resource requirement specialist source
» One Bounce Fitness document
Explain in your own words why each identified source of information is key to presenting the proposal.

Question 5
Explain how an organisation's existing consultation processes helps in managing an operational plan.
Consultation processes refer to steps and guidelines that an organisation follows when it comes to formal and informal communication channels with relevant stakeholders (e.g. conducting regularly fortnightly progress update meetings with the team)

Question 6
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane.
Operational plans are composed of different parts, including the ones outlined below.
Describe each of the following parts of an operational plan. Examples for each part have been provided to assist you.

Parts of an Operational Plan Description
a. Procurement Processes
» Keep proper financial recordsfor submission to General Manager Finance
» Tender a competitive bid for the acquisition of resources required

b. Employee Recruitment and Induction Strategies
» Post advertisements for job vacancies on various social media sites
» Provide new employeeswith copies of policies and procedures

c. Physical Resource and Service Acquisition Strategies
» Select a supplier with mostly good online reviews
» Prioritise service providers that Bounce Fitness has previously hired

d. Key Indicators of Organisational Performance
» Increase net profit by 5% within the next three months
» Exceed last month's record for sales leads by 10%

Question 7
Answer the following questions about budget and actual financial informationusing your own words.

a. Define variances in budget and actual financial information.

b. Describehow organisations can use variances to monitor profit.

c. Describe how organisations can use variances to review productivity performance.

Question 8
Answer the questions below about preparation methods.

a. Identify one method for preparing operational plans.

b. Describethe identified method for preparing operational plans in your own words.

c. Identify one method for preparingcontingency plans.

d. Describe the identified method for preparing contingency plans in your own words.

Question 9
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane.
To assist you in completing this task, access the document in the link below:
Business Objectives and Key Performance Indicators
Identify two objectives of Bounce Fitness that are related to your operational plan.
Explain how your operational plan can help Bounce Fitness achieve each identified objective.

Question 10
You are theCentre Manager for Bounce Fitness.
To assist you in completing this task, access following documents from the links below:
» Performance Management Policy and Procedures
» Documentation Policy and Procedures
Outline the set of procedures under each accessed document that are relevant to documenting performance.
Identify one type of record associated with each outlined set of procedures.
Record refers to documents used to keep evidences of actions, activities, events, etc.

Question 11
You are the Centre Manager to Bounce Fitness
Bounce Fitness Brisbane currently has the following objectives:
a. Generate a 10% increase in sales through boosting gym membership sales
b. Lower the cost of service delivery by 1% a quarter
The Centre wants to find appropriate approaches to developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that would prioritise the following:
» Working with teams
» Predictive measurements
Identify two approaches to developing key performance indicators. The alternatives must correspond to what Bounce Fitness' Management is looking for.

Question 12
You are theCentre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. You are creating an operational plan to boost profit by introducing a new Bounce Fitness class.
Access the following:
» Bounce Fitness
» Fair Trading Act 1989
» Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Answer the following questions about legislative frameworks.

a. Identify one rule from each of the legislation sections below that relates to the development of your operational plan. Describe the relation of each identified rule to your operational plan.
Fair-Trading Act 1989 (Section 39)
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Section 47)

b. Identify one right from each of the legislation sections below that relates to the development of your operational plan. Describe the relation of each identified right to your operational plan.
Fair-Trading Act 1989 (Section 39)
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Section 47)

c. Identify one obligation from each of the legislation sections below that relates to the implementation of your operational plan. Describe the relation of each identified obligation to your operational plan.

Fair-Trading Act 1989 (Section 39)
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Section 70)

Question 13
You are theCentre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane. You are creating an operational plan to boost profit by introducing a new Bounce Fitness class.
Access the following:
» Bounce Fitness
» Fair Trading (Code of Practice-Fitness Industry) Regulation 2003
» Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
Answer the following questions about regulatory frameworks.

a. Identify one rule from each of the regulation sections below that relates to the development of your operational plan. Describe the relation of each identified rule to your operational plan.
Fair-Trading Regulation 2003 (Section 9)
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (Section 40)

b. Identify one right from each of the regulation sections below that relates to the development of your operational plan. Describe the relation of each identified right to your operational plan.
Fair-Trading Regulation 2003 (Section 8)
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (Section 40)

c. Identify one obligation from each of the regulation sections below that relates to the implementation of your operational plan. Describe the relation of each identified obligation to your operational plan.
Fair-Trading Regulation 2003 (Section 8)
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (Section 40)

Question 14
You are theCentre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane.Your operational plan will require the recruitment of a new fitness instructor and purchasing of new equipment.
To assist you in completing this task, access Bounce Fitness from the link below.
Identify two policies and procedures related to your operational plan. Describethe relation of each to your operational plan.

Question 15
You are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness Brisbane.
Read the scenarios below about workplace practices.
Identify the workplace practice in each scenario that is related to your operational plan. Describe the relation of eachworkplace practice to your operational plan.

Scenario 1
A piece of equipment in Bounce Fitness Brisbane has broken down from use. The Morning Team of fitness instructors are tasked to purchase a replacement for the equipment as soon as possible. The Morning Team identifies two different suppliers with good reviews online. The first supplier is cheaper but is located two cities from the Centre. The Morning Team decides to purchase from the second supplier, which is slightly more expensive but located in the Centre's local area.

Scenario 2
Bounce Fitness Brisbane is hiring a new fitness instructor for one of its existing classes. Three candidates have been shortlisted for the role and the Human Resource Manager will interview each one of them. They invite the immediate supervisor for the advertised role to join the interview.

Project Assessment

This project will require you to manage business operational plans.
The project is divided into twoparts:
1. Establish an Operational Plan
2. Implement the Operational Plan
3. Monitor Operational Performance
Tasks and activities in this project assessment require you to have access to a workplace or a similar environment.

Part 1. Establish an Operational Plan

Task Overview
This part of the project requires you to develop an operational plan and manage resource acquisition. Specifically, you are required to:
» Research, analyse and document resource requirements
» Develop operational plan in consultation with, and with approval from, relevant stakeholders
» Develop contingencies for operational plan
» Explain plan to relevant work teams

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
» A workplace that will allow you access to:
o Your Supervisor
o At least two clients
o At least two colleagues
o At least two specialist resource managers
A specialist resource manager is an experienced employee in charge of managing a specific resource required by a project (e.g. human resources manager, equipment resources manager)
o At least two work teams. Each team must be composed of at least three different individuals

o Organisational documents that include information on your organisation's business objectives
o Organisational document relevant to budget allocations for operational plans
o Organisational policy and procedures documents related to each of the following:
• Recruiting new employees
• Inducting new employees
• Purchasing physical resources
• Hiring services
o Sources of information for organisational practices related to each of the following:
• Recruiting new employees
• Inducting new employees
• Purchasing physical resources
• Hiring services
Organisational practices refer to actions taken within the organisation that are not explicitly indicated in policy and procedures documents. Sources for organisational practices may include:
a. Statements from colleagues
b. Actions of line managers
o Organisational templates, such as Meeting Minutes
o Opportunity to develop and manage an operational plan
» Legislation relevant to intellectual property
» Regulation relevant to intellectual property

Part 1 Case Study Overview

Brisbane Centre's Operational Plan
Bounce Fitness is a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia. The business offers innovative and varied classes to meet any of their clients' needs. It has several established Centres in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne with the head office located in Cairns.
You are the Centre Manager of Bounce Fitness Brisbane. It is part of your responsibilities to create an operational plan that the Centre will implement for the upcoming year.
You are instructed by the Head Office to focus on achieving the following objectives:
» Attract more senior citizen clients to Bounce Fitness through a pilot project running for six months
» Generate a 10% increase in net income through boosting gym membership sales by the end of the fiscal year
The Head Office expectsthe pilot project to include at least one personal training class and one group program. Due to its specialised nature, they have allocated a budget of $30,000.00 for the recruitment of two new fitness instructors throughout the pilot project. They are also providing the Centre with $5,000.00 for physical resources that must be purchased, such as new equipment for classes and advertisement tools. Another $5,000.00 is allocated for the hiring of services for the duration of the pilot project.
As they have invested a sizeable amount into the success of the project, they instruct you to provide fortnightly assessments of the operational plan's progress.
During the pilot project, Head Office expects the Centre to run into a number of problems. This includes common problems that a fitness centre tends to encounter, like equipment malfunctioning during use, and concerns related to the pilot project itself, such as senior citizens not understanding advertisements for the new classes. You are also instructed to prepare a contingency plan for these possibilities.
As the Centre Manager, you handle two work teams - the Human Resources Team and the Fitness Team.
The Human Resources Team is composed of the following members:
» Team Leader and Compliance Officer - Leads the team and ensures working issues and concerns adhere to legislation and other requirements
» Recruitment Officer - Advertises vacancies and screens potential employees
» Career Development Officer - Provides training opportunities for employees looking to improve their qualifications
The Fitness Team is composed of the following members:
» Team Leader and Fitness Instructor - Designs fitness classes, leads the team and handles advanced programs for clients
» Fitness Instructor 1 - Handles medium-difficult personal training and group programs
» Fitness Instructor 2 - Conducts beginner personal training and group programs
Each fitness instructor currently handles three of nine classes that the Centre has to offer. This is to maximise their productivity and ensure that all clients receive appropriate attention.
The typical day of a Bounce Fitness Brisbane's fitness instructor includes the following:
» Conducting at least one group program and two different personal training sessions
» Assisting new clients in completing Sign Up Sheets
» Ensuring online Bounce Fitness advertisements protect the image and reputation of the brand
» Reporting sales information to the Finance department
Employees also follow workplace practices that assist in the smooth operation of the business. For fitness instructors, this may include undergoing performance appraisals if they receive in-house training or prioritising purchasing from businesses within the local area. Meanwhile, human resources may choose to prioritise contacting candidates for a vacancy through email instead of the phone. They may also communicate the business' mission and vision to new employees during induction.

Task 1.1 Conduct Research for Operational Plan

1. Seek assistance from your Supervisor to identify an opportunity that would require you to develop and manage an operational plan for at least one business or work area.
Business or work area refers to parts of an organisation with employees who have similar skills and expertise (e.g. marketing, operations, sales)
2. Access workplace documents that include information on your organisation's business objectives.
Workplace documents may include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Business plans
» CEO reports
» Strategic plans
Identify two business objectives that you aim to achieve using the operational plan.
3. Accessthe Research Log template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
4. Review your identified business objectives to assist you in researching for relevant information.
5. Researchinformation on the following requirementsthat will assist you in fulfilling the identified business objectives:
a. Resources required for the operational plan
The resources will be used in the operational plan to complete relevant action items. Resources includes the following:
» Human resources (e.g. employees)
» Physical resources (e.g. treadmills)
» Services (e.g. outsourced tasks)
b. Key Performance Indicators
This must cover the following:
» Productivity
» Profit
c. Monitoring Processes
d. Contingency Plans

You must provide at least two different sources of information for eachrequirement outlined above.Your sources of information for each topic must include at least one of each type of sources listed below:
a. Organisational documents
b. External sources
Ensure that your sources of information are reputable.
Reputable sources of information may include:
» Published journals
» Magazines
» Agency websites
Personal blogs, social media and the like are not acceptable answers.
For sources of information found online, you must include the link to the webpage or document. For published journals and magazines, you must cite the source in an APA format. For legislation, you must use the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC4).
For example:
Exercise Guidelines, Fitness Australia
1. Document the following information on your Research Log:
a. Sources of information accessed
b. Type of each source of information
c. Information gathered from each source
d. Analysis of how each information will assist in achieving the business objectives
2. The Research Log will be completed and submitted in a succeeding task.

To complete this assessment, follow the steps outlined in Task 1.1 and the additional steps listed below.
1. Access the following documents from the links below to assist you in completing this task:
» Highlights of CEO's Reportprovided at the Bounce Fitness link
» Brisbane Centre - Profit and Loss
» Brisbane Staffing
» Sales Journal Template
» Incident Reporting Procedure
2. Partially complete the Research Log template.
3. TheResearch Log will be completed and submitted in a succeeding task.

Task 1.2 Discuss Research for Operational Plan
1. To complete this task, you must discuss your research for the operational plan with a specialist resource manager. They will act as your human specialist source of information for the Research Log.
A specialist resource manager is an experienced employee in charge of managing a specific resource required by a project (e.g. human resources manager, equipment resources manager)
2. Review your partially completed Research Log from Task 1.1. This will assist you in preparing information to discuss with a specialist resource manager.
3. Arrange a consultation session with one specialist resource manager.
4. Conduct the consultation session with your specialist resource manager.
During the consultation, you must do the following:
a. Explain the business objectives that your operational plan aims to achieve
b. Discuss the following parts of your partially completed Research Log:
» Resource Requirements
» Key Performance Indicators
This must cover the following:
» Productivity
» Profit
» Monitoring Processes
» Contingency Plans
Discussion points may include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Checking if the analysis of information gathered is correct
» Discussing if the sources used are reliable
c. Seek recommendations for improvement
Gather documented evidence of your meeting with a specialist resource manager.
Examples of document evidence may include the following:
» Meeting Minutes
» Interview notes
» Video or audio recording

5. Complete the Research Logby documenting information gathered from the specialist resource manager.
Ensure to include the following information for each part of the Research Log:
a. Name of specialist resource manager
b. Type of source
c. Information gathered from the source
d. Analysis of how the information will assist in achieving the business objectives
6. Have your Supervisor sign the Supervisor/Assessor Declaration Form at the end of the Research Log template. Their signature must be handwritten.
7. Submit the following to your assessor:
» At least one evidence of your consultation session with your specialist resource manager
» Completed Research Log

Research Log Consultation
You must conduct research before drafting youroperational plan. This requires accessing reliable sources of information, including human specialists. To assist you in completing this task, your Supervisor instructs you to consult with the Project Controls Specialist to receive more input on your research.

Task 1.3 Draft the Operational Plan
1. Access the following to assist you in completing this task:
a. At least one workplace document relevant to the budget allocated for the Operational Plan
b. At least one workplace document relevant to existing strategies for each of the following:
» Recruiting employees
» Inducting employees
» Employee training and development
» Acquiring physical resources
» Acquiring services
» Protecting intellectual property when recruiting employees
» Protecting intellectual property when acquiring physical resources and services
» Making variations to operational plans
» Documenting operational performance
» Monitoring operational performance
c. At least one legislation relevant to Intellectual Property (IP)
Intellectual property refers to works, ideas, documents, etc that have commercial value and may be protected by law from imitation or infringement.
d. At least one regulation relevant to IP
e. The following documents provided at the Bounce Fitness site:
» Operational Plan template. This will be used to develop your Operational Plan.
» Strategies Checklist template. This will be used to confirm the existence of relevant strategies.
» Risk Rating Guide from the link below. This will be used to assist you in conducting a risk assessment for business risks.

1. Completethe Strategies Checklist.
a. Tick YES if your organisation has at least one existing strategy for each of the following areas:
» Recruiting Employees
» Inducting employees
» Employee training and development
» Acquiring physical resources and services
» Protecting intellectual property
» Making variations to operational plans
» Documenting performance
» Monitoring performance
Tick NO if otherwise.
b. For sections where you ticked YES, outline at least one strategyrelevant to the specific area.
2. Have your Supervisor sign off on your Strategies Checklist template. This is to ensure that the identified strategies are in line with the requirements of your organisation. Their signature must be handwritten.
You must secure confirmation from your Supervisor before you continue with this task.
3. Develop an initial draft of the Operational Plan.
Throughout the development of your Operational Plan, you must ensure that the information provided for specific sections correspond to information provided in the completed Research Log from Task 1.2.
Partially complete an Operational Plan initial draft by doing the following:
a. Part I. Resource Requirements
» Identify at least two of each of the following that are required for theimplementation of the Operational Plan:
o Human resources
o Physical resources
o Services
Ensure to indicate the budget allocated for each type of resource.

a. Part II. Performance Plans
» Productivity Plan
To complete this section, you must identify the following:
o At least one Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for productivity
This refers to the measurement of an individual or team's productivity (e.g. quality of work, timeframes for completion)
Ensure to write each KPI as SMART Goals.
SMART Goals refer to goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely
o One Performance Target for each KPI
The Performance Target is a desired result for the operational plan based on the developed KPI.
o Expected date to reach Performance Target
o At least one team responsible for the Productivity Plan
You will require access to at least two work teams in later tasks.
o At least one action item for each Performance Target
o One person responsible for each action item
The person assigned to each action item must be a member of the team responsible for the plan.
o At least one resource required for each action item
o Expected implementation date for each action item
o Expected outcome for each action item
» Profit Plan
To complete this section, you must identify the following:
o At least one KPI for profit
This refers to the measurement of an individual or team's contribution to the organisation's profits (e.g. revenue, number of new contracts signed)
o One Performance Target for each KPI
o Expected date to reach the Performance Target

o At least one team responsible for the Productivity Plan
o At least one action item for each Performance Target
o One person responsible for each action item
The person assigned to each action item must be a member of the team responsible for the plan.
o At least one resource required for each action item
o Expected implementation date for each action item
o Expected outcome for each action item
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date' and ‘Actual Outcome' columns blank as these will be completed in a succeeding task.
a. Part III. Recruitment Plan
To complete this section:
» Identify the following:
o At least one action item for implementing the strategy
o One person responsible for each action item
o At least one resource required for each action item
o Expected implementation date for each action item
o Expected outcome for each action item
You are to leave the 'Actual Date' and 'Actual Outcome' columns blank as these willbe completed in a succeeding task.
» Develop a budget for the recruitment of the required human resources by identifying the following:
o Resources required
This must include all the required resources identified for each action item.
o For each resource required:
» Quantity
» Unit price
» Subtotal
o Total cost for all resources required
» Legal Requirements:
To complete this section, you must identify the following:
o At least one legislation accessed
o One IP responsibility from each legislation relevant to recruiting human resources
o At least one regulation accessed
o One IP right from each regulation relevant to recruiting human resources
a. Part IV. Employee Induction Plan
To complete this section, you must identify the following:
» At least one action item for implementing the strategy
» One person responsible for each action item
» Expected implementation date for each action item
» Expected outcome for each action item
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date' and ‘Actual Outcome' columns blank as these will be completed in a succeeding task.
b. Part V. Employee Development Plan
To complete this section, you must identify the following:
» At least one action item for implementing the strategy
» One person responsible for each action item
» At least one resource for implementing the strategy
» Expected implementation date for each action item
» Expected outcome for each action item
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date' and ‘Actual Outcome' columns blank as these will be completed in a succeeding task.
c. Part VI. Acquisition Plan
» Physical Resources
o To complete this section, you must identify the following:
» At least one action item for implementing the strategy
» One person responsible for each action item

» At least one resource required for each action item
» Expected implementation date for each action item
» Expected outcome for each action item
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date' and ‘Actual Outcome' columns blank as these will be completed in a succeeding task.
o Develop a budget for the acquisition of the required physical resources by identifying the following:
» Resources required
This must include all the required resources identified for each action item.
» For each resource required:
o Quantity
o Unit price
o Subtotal
» Total cost for all resources required
» Services
o To complete this section, you must identify the following:
» At least one action item for implementing the strategy
» One person responsible for each action item
» At least one resource required for each action item
» Expected implementation date for each action item
» Expected outcome for each action item
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date' and ‘Actual Outcome' columns blank as these will be completed in a succeeding task.
o Develop a budget for the acquisition of the required services by identifying the following:
» Resources required
This must include all the required resources identified for each action item.

» For each resource required:
o Quantity
o Unit price
o Subtotal
» Total cost for all resources required
o Legal Requirements:
To complete this section, you must identify the following:
» At least one legislation accessed
» One IP responsibility from each legislation relevant to acquiring physical resources and services
» At least one regulation accessed
» One IP right from each regulation relevant to acquiring physical resources and services
a. Part VII. Monitoring Plan
» Productivity Plan
Identify the following for each KPI identified under the Productivity Plan in Part II. Performance Plan
o One process for the ongoing monitoring of progress towards the KPI
o At least two steps/procedures for the process
o One document to access for monitoring
o A schedule for accessing the document for monitoring
This may include, but is not limited to, daily, weekly and monthly.
» Profit Plan
Identify the following for each KPI identified under the Profit Plan in Part II. Performance Plan
o One process for the ongoing monitoring of progress towards the KPI
o At least two steps/procedures for the process
o One document to access for monitoring
o A schedule for accessing the document for monitoring

a. Part VIII. Contingency Plans
Refer to the Risk Rating Guide to assist you in completing this part.
» Risk Assessment
o Identify at least two risks associated with the Operational Plan
Risk refers to the probability of problems or negative incidents that could keep the operational plan from achieving its objectives. This can include relevant legislation changing over time or necessary equipment breaking down.
o Conduct a risk assessment for each risk. Your risk assessment will be based on the Risk Rating Guide.
This must include the following:
» Likelihood of risk
» Impact of risk
» Risk rating
» Priority rating
o Identify one contingency strategy for each risk based on your risk assessment

» Contingency Strategies
Identify the followingfor each contingency strategy identified during your risk assessment:
o At least one action item for each strategy
o One person responsible for each action item
o The expected implementation date for each action item
o The expected outcome for each action item
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date' and ‘Actual Outcome' columns blank as these will be completed in a succeeding task.

a. Part IX. Schedule
Plot out the schedule for your Operational Plan by doing the following:
» List the phases for the Operational Plan
For example:
o Recruit new employees
o Purchase new physical resources
» Outline the timeframe for the plan
Fill in the cells in the table to show the expected dates to complete each phase identified
b. Part X. Version Control
» Record your initial draft as Version 1.0. Ensure to include the date you completed the initial draft.
» Have your Supervisor sign off the entry to confirm your initial draft. Their signature must be handwritten.
2. Have your Supervisor sign the Supervisor/Assessor Declaration at the end of the Operational Plan template. Their signature must be handwritten.
3. Submit the following to your assessor:
» Signed off Strategies Checklist
» Partially completed Operational Plan

Task 1.4 Finalise the Operational Plan
1. Consult with relevant stakeholders regarding the details of your Operational Plan.
2. Access the following to assist you in completing this task:
» Observation Formprovidedat the Bounce Fitness site. This outlines the skills you must demonstrate throughout each consultation session.Provide your assessor with the Observation Form for every consultation session.
» Your organisation's meeting minutes template.
You may use the Meeting Minutes templateprovided at the Bounce Fitness site if there is none available at your organisation.
3. Arrange at least one consultation session with at least six relevant stakeholders. This must include at least two of each of the following:
» Clients
» Colleagues
» Specialist resource managers
A specialist resource manager is an experienced employee in charge of managing a specific resource required by a project (e.g. human resources manager, equipment resources manager)
You may choose to conduct separate meetings with each stakeholder.Use one Meeting Minutes for each separate consultation.
4. Arrange a time for your assessor to observe you in conducting each consultation session.
If direct observation is not possible, video record the consultation session and submit the recording to your assessor. Ensure to obtain permission first from your stakeholders before doing so.
5. Conduct the consultation session with the stakeholders.
During each consultation, you must do the following:
a. Discuss the details of the following parts of your Operational Plan initial draft:
» Part I. Resource Requirements
Discussion must also include information from the Research Log from Task 1.2.
» Part II. Performance Plan
Discussion must also include information from the Research Log from Task 1.2.

» Part III. Recruitment Plan
» Part IV. Employee Induction Plan
» Part V. Employee Development Plan
» Part VI. Acquisition Plan
» Part VII. Monitoring Plan
Discussion must also include information from the Research Log from Task 1.2.
» Part VIII. Contingency Plan
Discussion must also include information from the Research Log from Task 1.2.
Discussion points may include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Discussing whether the strategies are appropriate for the plan
» Checking if the resources required will be enough to complete the action item
» Discussing if the schedule provided is achievable
a. Seek approval for your Operational Plan initial draft
Record the main points discussed in one Meeting Minutes template for each consultation session.
Have every participant of the meeting sign the ‘Attendees' section of your Meeting Minutes after the meeting. This is to confirm that the information provided reflects their discussion during the meeting.
Update Part X. Version Control of your Operational Plan by doing the following:
a. Provide a summary of your modifications
b. Record the approved Operational Plan as Version 1.1. Ensure to include the date you completed your modifications
c. Have your Supervisor sign off the entry to confirm your changes. Their signature must be handwritten.
2. Apply any changes to your Operational Plan as required. The changes you make must reflect the improvements discussed in the consultation sessions. Highlight all changes to your Operational Plan to make it clear which sections have been revised.
3. Submit the following to your assessor:
» ApprovedOperational Plan
» At least one completed Meeting Minutes

Task 1.5 Explain to Relevant Work Teams
1. Explain the Operational Plan to at least two relevant work teams-with each team composed of at least three members. Your explanation will include the requirements to be followed during the implementation of your Operational Plan.
2. Access the following to assist you in completing this task:
» At least two work teams
These must be the same work teams identified in your Operational Plan
» At least one organisational policy and procedures related to each of the following:
o Recruiting new employees
o Inducting new employees
o Purchasing physical resources
o Hiring services
» At least one source for organisational practices related to each of the following:
o Recruiting new employees
o Inducting new employees
o Purchasing physical resources
o Hiring services
Organisational practices refer to actions taken within the organisation that are not explicitly indicated in policy and procedures documents. Sources for organisational practices may include:
o Colleagues
o Signs around the workplace
» Your organisation's Meeting Minutes template
You can use the Meeting Minutes template provided at the Bounce Fitness site if there is none available at your organisation:
» The Implementation Requirements template provided at the Bounce Fitness site. This will be used to record the requirements that the implementation of your Operational Plan must adhere to.
1. Complete the Implementation Requirements.
Identify organisational requirements to adhere to for each of the following:
» Recruiting new employees
» Inducting new employees
» Purchasing physical resources
» Hiring services
Organisational requirements for each requirement outlined above must include at least one of each of the following:
a. Organisational policy and procedures
b. Organisational practice
2. Have your Supervisor sign off on your Implementation Requirements template. This is to ensure that the identified requirements are in line with the requirements of your organisation. Their signature must be handwritten.
You must secure confirmation from your Supervisor before you continue with this task.
3. Arrange separate meetings with at least two relevant work teams to discuss your Operational Plan.
4. Conduct your meeting with each of the work teams.
During each meeting, you must do the following:
a. Explain the following:
» Key Performance Indicators for the following:
o Productivity Plan
o Profit Plan
The KPI you will explain will depend on which plan the team is assigned to.
» Action items assigned to the team

» Target implementation date
» Target outcome
» Strategies outlined in your signed off Strategies Checklist
» Requirements outlined in your signed off Implementation Requirements
a. Instruct each team member on how they will carry out the action items assigned to them.
Instruction can include, but is not limited to, the following:
» Explaining how to induct new employees
» Discussing the procedures to follow when purchasing physical resources
Record the main points discussed in one Meeting Minutes template for each meeting conducted.
Have every participant of the meeting sign the ‘Attendees' section of your Meeting Minutes.
2. Submit thefollowing to your assessor:
» At least two Meeting Minutes
» Signed off Implementation Requirements

Part 2. Implement the Operational Plan
Task Overview
This part of the project requires you to implement the operational plan. Specifically, you are required to:
» Develop and implement contingencies for operational plan
» Confirm that employees are recruited and inducted according to the organisation's human resources management policies, practices and procedures
» Confirm that physical resources and services are acquired according to the organisation's policies, practices and procedures
» Identify and incorporate requirements for intellectual property rights and responsibilities related to the acquisition of resources

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
» A workplace that will allow you access to:
o Your Supervisor
o At least two work teams. Each team must be composed of at least three different individuals
These must be the same work teams engaged with in Task 1.5.
o Opportunity to implement an operational plan

Supplementary Resources Required for Simulated Workplace Assessment:
If you are completing the simulated workplace tasks, you will need access to the following:
» Six volunteers to play the roles of team members of two work teams
» Video camera or a mobile phone with video recording capabilities
» A safe environment to conduct the role play activity
Templates required to complete this project are provided within this workbook.

Part 2 Case Study Overview
Implementing the Operational Plan
The new financial year for Bounce Fitness Brisbane is starting and you must now implement the Operational Plan you developed. As the Centre Manager, you must ensure that its implementation with comply with organisational requirements, such as policies and procedures and workplace practices.
Bounce Fitness Brisbane operates under numerous policies and procedures that every employee must follow. These policies and procedures cover a range of topics, including human resources, resource acquisition and financial reporting. The Centre also follows a number of workplace practices, such as receiving in-house training after undergoing performance appraisals or prioritising purchasing from businesses within the local area.
As the Centre Manager, you must also implement a Contingency Plan in case of risks arising. This is to ensure that problems are handled as soon as they come up and their negative effects are properly managed. Risks are inevitable when implementing an operational plan and you must be prepared to tackle them when they appear.

Task 2.1 Implement the Operational Plan
1. Seek your Supervisor's assistance in identifying an opportunity to implement the Operational Plan.
2. Access the Task 2.1Observation Formprovided at the Bounce Fitness site to assist you in completing this task. This outlines the skills you must demonstrate throughout your implementation. Provide your assessor with a copy of the Observation Form before conducting this task.
3. Arrange a time for your assessor to observe you in implementing the Operational Plan. Provide your assessor with a copy of your signed off Implementation Requirements template from Task 1.5.
If direct observation is not possible, ensure to provide your assessor with supplementary evidence showing your implementation.
4. Implement the action items of the following parts of your Operational Plan:
a. Part II. Performance Plan
b. Part III. Recruitment Plan
c. Part IV. Employee Induction Plan
d. Part VI. Acquisition Plan
Ensure the implementation adheres to the following:
» Strategies outlined in your signed off Strategies Checklist
» Requirements outlined in your signed off Implementation Requirements
Gather documented evidence showing you have completed each action item in the implemented parts of the Operational Plan.
Your documented evidences must include:
» At least one evidence of the recruitment of each new employee
Examples of documented evidence may include the following:
» Copy of the letter of offer
» Signed employment contract
» At least one evidence of the induction of each new employee
Examples of documented evidence may include the following:
» Video recording of the induction
» Copy of the induction schedule and procedures
» At least one evidence of the acquisition of each physical resource
Examples of documented evidence may include the following:
» Receipts of the purchased items
» Invoices for the purchased items
» At least one evidence of the acquisition of each service
Examples of documented evidence may include the following:
» Copies or photos of the completed outcome
» Invoices showing services have been paid for
Ensure to label each of your evidences with the action item it corresponds to.
Update your Operational Plan by recording the following for each action item in each of the implemented parts:
» Actual date of implementation
» Actual outcome of implementation
Update Part X. Version Control of your Operational Plan by doing the following:
» Provide a summary of your modifications
» Record the updatedOperational Plan as Version 1.2. Ensure to include the date you completed your modifications
» Have your Supervisor sign off the entry to confirm your changes. Their signature must be handwritten.
1. Have your assessor complete theObservation Form,including the Assessor Declaration at the end, for your implementation. Their signature must be handwritten.
2. Submit the following to your assessor:
» UpdatedOperational Plan
» At least one evidence for each of the following:
o Recruitment of each new employee
o Induction of each new employee
o Acquisition of each physical resource
o Acquisition of each service

Task 2.2 Confirm Implementation
1. Confirm and evaluate the implementation of your Operational Plan.
2. Access the following to assist you in completing this task:
» Documented evidence from Task 2.1
» Signed off Implementation Requirements from Task 1.5
» Resource Acquisition Checklistprovided at the Bounce Fitness site.
3. Confirm that the implementation of your Operational Plan adhered to organisational policies and procedures and practices.
To confirm the implementation, you must do the following:
a. Review each documented evidence relevant to the following sections of the Resource Acquisition Checklist:
» Recruitment ofEmployees
» Induction of Employees
» Acquisition of Physical Resources
» Acquisition of Services
b. Tick YES in the if each relevant documented evidence for each section shows adherence to each of the following relevant organisational requirements as identified in your Implementation Requirements:
» Policy
» Procedure
» Practice
» Strategy
Tick NO if otherwise.
c. Provide a brief explanation of how each requirement was followed.
4. Have your Supervisor sign the Supervisor/Assessor Declaration at the end of the Resource Acquisition Checklist. Their signature must be handwritten.
5. Submit the completed Resource Acquisition Checklist to your assessor.

Task 2.3 Implement Contingencies
1. Seek your Supervisor's assistance in identifying an opportunity to implement your contingency plan.
2. Implement Part VIII. Contingency Plan of your Operational Plan.
Ensure your implementation follows all of the following outlined in the Operational Plan:
» Contingency strategies
» Action items
Gather at least two documented evidences showing you have completed each action item in Part VIII. Contingency Plan.
Examples of documented evidence can include the following:
» Copy of a revised document
» Receipt for new items purchased
Ensure to label each of your evidences with the action item it corresponds to.
Update your Operational Plan by recording the following for each action item in Part VIII. Contingency Plan:
a. Actual date of implementation
b. Actual outcome of implementation
Update Part X. Version Control of your Operational Plan by doing the following:
a. Provide a summary of your modifications
b. Record the updated Operational Plan as Version 1.3. Ensure to include the date you completed your modifications
c. Have your Supervisor sign off the entry to confirm your changes. Their signature must be handwritten.
3. Submit the following to your assessor:
» Updated Operational Plan
» At leasttwo evidences of you completing action items in Part VIII. Contingency Plan

Part 3. Monitor Operational Performance
Task Overview
This part of the project requires you to monitor and review operational performance. Specifically, you are required to:
» Assess progress of operational plan in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets
» Identify areas of under-performance, recommend solutions and rectify the situation
» Plan and implement relevant processes for ongoing monitoring and confirm that support is provided for individuals and teams
» Negotiate recommendations for variations to operational plans and gain approval from designated persons

Resources Required:
To complete this project, you will need access to the following:
» A workplace that will allow you access to:
o Your Supervisor
o At least two work teams. Each team must be composed of at least three different individuals
These must be the same work teams from Part 1 of this Project Assessment
o Organisational templates, such as:
• Meeting Minutes
• Performance Monitoring Sheets
o Opportunity to develop and implement a Variation Plan

Part 3 Case Study Overview
Reviewing Operational Plan
The Operational Plan for Bounce Fitness Brisbane has been implemented and problems that arose have been addressed. Despite these successes, there is still much to be done for the Centre.
The Operational Plan is set to undergo monitoring and continuous improvement. As the Centre Manager, it is your responsibility to monitor the plan's performance and assess its progress towards the plans and targets you have set. It has been a month since the Operational Plan was first implemented. The Centre has gathered enough data for you to review and document its performance. As part of the business' practice, employees may prioritise keeping digital copies of documents for ease and security. Bounce Fitness Centre Managers may also choose to monitor the performance of plans on a fortnightly basis to ensure any areas of underperformance are addressed as soon as possible.
A perfect execution in the first instance is rare and having areas of underperformance is expected. The Team Leaders of the Morning and Evening Teams have provided the following reports to you:
a. Clients prefer to purchase the three months gym membership despite saving more money with higher tier memberships
b. Senior citizens are seeing the advertisements for the new classes but are not encouraged to sign up for them
As the Centre Manager, you must identify how you can assist your colleagues in resolving these issues. Your Supervisor instructs you to develop Learning Systems to provide coaching for each team and individual requiring additional support. As part of the business' practices, you may also provide direct feedback during coaching to quickly address concerns.

Development is not exclusive to employees; the Operational Plan must also undergo a review. Now that it has been implemented and you have seen the outcome of your set action items, you must look into areas for improvement.You must then negotiate your improvements with designated personnel to ensure they will benefit the plan. The business recommends recording variations to the operational plan in the version control.

Task 3.1 MonitorProfit and Productivity Performance
1. Access the following to assist you in completing this task:
» Your organisation's monitoring sheet template
You can use the Monitoring Sheet template provided at the Bounce Fitness site if there is none available at your organisation.
» At least one organisational policy and procedures related to the following:
o Documenting performance
o Monitoring performance
Examples of organisational policies and procedures that may be used include:
a. Employee handbook
b. Administrative policies and procedures
» At least one source for organisational practices related to the following:
o Documenting performance
o Monitoring performance
Organisational practices refer to actions taken within the organisation that are not explicitly indicated in policy and procedures documents.
» Task 3.1 Observation Formprovided at the Bounce Fitness site. This outlines the skills you must demonstrate throughout your monitoring. Provide your assessor with a copy of the Observation Form before conducting this task.
2. Arrange a time for your assessor to observe you in monitoring the Operational Plan. Provide your assessor with a copy of your signed off Strategies Checklist from Task 1.3.
If direct observation is not possible, ensure to provide your assessor with supplementary evidence showing your implementation.
3. Complete the Monitoring Sheet by implementing Part VII. Monitoring Plan. This includes doing the following:
a. Implement the strategies for the following as identified in your Strategies Checklist:
» Documenting operational performance
» Monitoring operational performance
b. Monitor the performance of each of the following:
» Productivity Plan
» Profit Plan
Ensure to follow the monitoring process for the KPIs for each of the above requirements from Part VII. Monitoring Plan.This includes the procedures outlined for each process.
Ensure your monitoring adheres to the following information outlined in Part VII. Monitoring Plan:
» Document to access for monitoring
» Schedulefor monitoring
Record information from your monitoring in the Monitoring Sheet.
c. Assess the progress of the Operational Plan by comparing the results of your monitoring to the Performance Target of its respective KPI.
d. Assess whether the current progress of the Operational Plan will allow it to meet the set KPIs for each of the following:
» Productivity Plan
» Profit Plan
Gather documented evidence showing you have implemented Part VII. Monitoring Plan. Your documented evidence must include the following:
» At least one copy of each document accessed for monitoring
» At least one evidence of you implementing the strategy for monitoring performance
» Copy of email correspondence requesting access to the document for monitoring with timestamps
» Copy of approval to access the document for monitoring
Update your Operational Plan by recording the following for each Performance Target in Part II. Performance Plans:
a. Actual date when you assessed progress for the Performance Target
b. Actual outcome of your assessment
Update Part X. Version Control of your Operational Plan by doing the following:
a. Provide a summary of your modifications
b. Record the updated Operational Plan as Version 1.4. Ensure to include the date you completed your modifications
c. Have your Supervisor sign off the entry to confirm your changes. Their signature must be handwritten.
1. Have your Supervisor sign the Supervisor/Assessor Declaration Form at the end of the Monitoring Sheet template. Their signature must be handwritten.
2. Submit the following to your assessor:
» Updated Operational Plan
» Completed Monitoring Sheet
» Evidence of your implementation of Part VII. Monitoring Plan. This includes:
o At least one copy of each document accessed for monitoring
o At least one evidence of you implementing the strategy for monitoring performance

Task 3.2 Plan to Provide Support
1. Establish Learning Plans to address areas of underperformance in the Operational Plan.
2. Access the Task 3.2 Observation Form provided at the Bounce Fitness site. This outlines the skills you must demonstrate throughout your monitoring. Provide your assessor with a copy of the Observation Form before conducting this task.
3. Arrange a time for your assessor to observe you in implementing Part V. Employee Development Plan.
If direct observation is not possible, ensure to provide your assessor with supplementary evidence showing your implementation.
4. Review the completed Monitoring Sheet from Task 3.1 to assist you in identifying areas of underperformance.
5. Implement Part V. Employee Development Plan of your Operational Plan.
Ensure your implementation follows all of the action plans outlined in the Operational Plan and adheres to the strategy for employee training and development identified in the Strategies Checklist from Task 1.3.
During your implementation, develop one Learning Plan for each of the following:
» Productivity Plan
» Profit Plan
To create a Learning Plan for each, you must:
a. Identify the following:
» At least one area of underperformance to address
This must be based on your review of the Monitoring Sheet.
» At least one work team that will receive support in order to address the area of underperformance
The work teams identified must be the same ones engaged with in Task 1.5
b. Outline at least one process to provide support to the team
Support may include, but is not limited to, the following:
» Mentoring
» Coaching
» Team building
a. Identify at least one individual within the team that requires additional support
b. Outline at least one process to provide support to each individual
Have your Supervisor sign the Supervisor/Assessor Declaration at the end of each Learning Plan template.
Update your Operational Plan by recording the following for each action item in Part V. Employee Development Plan:
a. Actual date of implementation
b. Actual outcome of implementation
Update Part X. Version Control of your Operational Plan by doing the following:
a. Provide a summary of your modifications
b. Record the updatedOperational Plan as Version 1.5. Ensure to include the date you completed your modifications
c. Have your Supervisor sign off the entry to confirm your changes. Their signature must be handwritten.
2. Have your assessor complete the Observation Form, including the Assessor Declaration at the end, for your implementation. Their signature must be handwritten.
3. Have your Supervisor sign the Supervisor/Assessor Declaration Form at the end of each Learning Plan template. Their signature must be handwritten.
4. Submit the following to your assessor:
» Updated Operational Plan
» One completed Learning Plan for each of the following:
o Productivity Plan
o Profit Plan

Task 3.3 Provide Support to Teams and Individuals
1. Access the Support Log template provided in the Bounce Fitness site to assist you in completing this task.
2. Implement each Learning Plan.
Ensure your implementation follows the processes for teams and individualsoutlinedin eachLearning Plan.
Gather documented evidences showing you have provided support for the teams and individuals.Your documented evidences must include:
» At least one evidence that support has been provided for each team
» At least one evidence that support has been provided for each individual
Examples of documentation may include:
o Interview notes
o Meeting minutes
o Video recording
3. Have the two individuals and one representative for each team sign the Support Log template if they believe the area of underperformance has been addressed. The representative for each team may be the same individual that received additional support.
Ensure that each of the following are included in each entry:
» Date signed
» Name of individual or representative
» Support they received
» Signature of individual or representative. This is to confirm that the area of underperformance has been addressed. Their signature must be handwritten
4. Have your supervisor sign the Supervisor/Assessor Declaration at the end of the completed Support Log. This is to ensure that you provided support and addressed areas of underperformance. Their signature must be handwritten.
5. Submit the following to your assessor:
» At least one evidence for each of the following:
o Support provided for each team
o Support provided for each individual
» Completed Support Log

Task 3.4 Develop Variation Plan
1. Seek your Supervisor's assistance in identifying an opportunity to develop and implement a Variation Plan.
2. Access the Variation Plan template from the link below to assist you in completing this task.
Variation Plan
3. Review your assessments in the Monitoring Sheet from Task 3.1. This is to assist you in identifying variations.
4. Develop a Variation Plan for your Operational Plan by identifying the following:
» At least two variations to the Operational Plan
» The expected implementation date for each strategy
» The expected outcome of each strategy
You are to leave the ‘Actual Date' and ‘Actual Outcome' columns bank as these will be completed in a succeeding task.
5. Arrange one meeting with two specialist resource managers. These may be the same specialist resource managers you consulted in Task 1.4.
6. Conduct the meeting with the two specialist resource managers.
During the meeting, you must do the following:
a. Discuss the following:
» Variations identified
» The expected implementation date for each strategy
» The expected outcome of each strategy
Discussion points may include, but are not limited to, the following:
» Checking if the variation will benefit the Operational Plan
» Discussing if the variation is achievable
b. Seek approval for the proposed Variation Plan

Gather at least one documented evidence showing you conducted the meeting with the two specialist resource managers.
Examples of documented evidence include:
» Meeting Minutes
» Interview notes
1. Apply the changes to your Variation Plan as required. The changes you make must reflect the main points discussed in the meeting.
2. Have your Supervisor sign the Supervisor/Assessor Declaration at the end of the Variation Plan template. Their signature must be handwritten.
3. Submit the following to your assessor:
» Completed Variation Plan
» At least one documented evidence showing you conducted the meeting with two specialist resource managers.

Task 3.5 Implement Variation Plan
1. Access the following to assist you in completing this task:
» At least one organisational policy and procedures related to implementing variations to operational plans
» At least one source for organisational practices related to implementing variations to operational plans
» Observation Form from the link below. This outlines the skills you must demonstrate throughout your monitoring. Provide your assessor with a copy of the Observation Form before conducting this task.

Task 3.5 Observation Form

2. Arrange a time for your assessor to observe you in implementing Part V. Employee Development Plan.
If direct observation is not possible, ensure to provide your assessor with supplementary evidence showing your implementation.
3. Implement your Variation Plan by applying the variations to your Operational Plan.
Ensure to adhere to the strategy for making variations identified in the Strategies Checklist from Task 1.3.
Apply the variations to your Operational Plan.
Update Part X. Version Control of your Operational Plan by doing the following:
a. Provide a summary of your modifications
b. Record the revised Operational Plan as Version 2.0. Ensure to include the date you completed your revisions
c. Have your Supervisor sign off the entry to confirm your revisions. Their signature must be handwritten.

Update your Variation Plan by recording the following for each implemented strategy as indicated in the Strategies Checklist:
a. Actual date of implementation
b. Actual outcome of implementation
1. Have your assessor complete the Observation Form. Their signature must be handwritten.
2. Submit the following to your assessor:
» Updated Variation Plan
» Revised Operational Plan

Attachment:- Manage business operational plans.rar

Reference no: EM133165216

Questions Cloud

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Calculate the after-tax wacc : The debt to equity ratio of the company is 0.6. Of the equity, 65% is ordinary equity and 35% is preference equity. Calculate the after-tax WACC
Creating an operational plan to boost profit : Creating an operational plan to boost profit by introducing a new fitness class - Identify one of each of the following stakeholders involved in the development
Execute effective marketing strategy : How can company's marketing organization ensure that it is able to identify emerging competitors in time to plan and execute effective marketing strategy
How keystone national bank can incorporate contemporary : Consider how Keystone National Bank can incorporate contemporary risks as presented by Knudson (2022) and Bellrose et al. (2021) to manage their bank.
Explain incorporate contemporary risks : Consider how Keystone National Bank can incorporate contemporary risks as presented by Knudson (2022) and Bellrose et al. (2021) to manage their bank.
Discuss what concerns different stakeholders : Discuss what concerns different stakeholders might have and how communication is needed to address those concerns.


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