Creating an hierarchy chart

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380166

Question: Regal Brakes Corporation requires to automate its payroll calculation system. To compute payroll, first the gross pay is calculated, which is equal to the product of the number of hours and hourly rates. Next, net pay is calculated, which is equal to gross pay minus any deductions. All of the above inputs are maintained in a register.

Create an Hierarchy Chart for the given situation.


Reference no: EM1380166

Questions Cloud

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Creating a flowchart : Create a flowchart to illustrate the given problem. You are given input for the student name, number of credits, and cost per credit.
Creating an hierarchy chart : Regal Brakes Corporation requires to automate its payroll calculation system. To compute payroll, first the gross pay is calculated, which is equal to the item of the number of hours and hourly rates.
Discussion on clustering and data mining : Clustering is generally used along with classification in some applications. In such a case, typically clustering is applied to a dataset to recognize natural grouping of the objects in the dataset,
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Calculate a three quarter moving average forecast : The Fastgro Fertilizer Corporation distributes fertilizer to various lawn and garden shops. Calculate a three-quarter moving average forecast for quarters 4 through 13 and calculate the forecast for each quarter.


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