Creating an application

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380730

Question: Design an ASP.NET application using Visual Studio .NET 2003. Your application with at least one web form and 5-different types of controls. Feel free to design more than one instance of the same type. Also, you must change at least two properties of each instance on your form. Make sure to comment your application code, indicating which properties you changed for each instance on your form. Also, explain how your application works and how it interacts with the user. Creativity is encouraged.

Reference no: EM1380730

Questions Cloud

Discuss some competitive strategies each company can adopt : Consider Coca-Cola also PepsiCo, two successful companies that compete with each or. Discuss some competitive strategies each company can adopt also some specific actions needed to support those strategies.
Model of online music sharing : Since Napster is going out of business, you have decided to begin your own on line music sharing site. You will give individual music documents at your site.
Question about disk writing speed : Think about a disk holding documents with an average file length of 5 KB. Each document is allocated contiguously on adjacent sectors.
Compare also contrasts two of countries of supplement : Compare also contrasts two of countries of supplement in terms of right perks," also determine which of countries you consider offers most attractive perks for jobs listed. Be sure to thoroughly assess complete situations as they are presented in ..
Creating an application : Design an ASP.NET application using Visual Studio .NET 2003. Your application with at least one web form and 5-different types of controls.
Explain how should businesses handle those deemed : Role of Product Harm also Consumer Vulnerability. Explain how should businesses handle those deemed to be vulnerable.
Explain how can these two outlooks be related to theories : Functional personnel explain however, prefer friendship also work assignments. Explain how can these two outlooks be related to theories of Maslow also McGregor.
Explain how do you handle a project manager : Explain how do you hand le a project manager or project engineer who continually tries to "bite off more than he or she can chew". If he or she were effective at managing these projects.
Create unix shell scripts using dos commands : Suppose you are an experienced DOS programmer and you wish to create UNIX shell scripts using DOS commands.


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