Creating a ventsim model for use

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Reference no: EM133024240


Ventsim Visual is a ventilation network analysis program, widely used on mine sites around the world. Students have full access to the program in the two computer labs located onthe top floor of Y building at the Mount Helen Campus. Students can also download astudent version of the program from however please note that the student version does not contain some of the tools in the full version and has a limitation onthe number of branches that can be simulated.

On the Moodle page for the course there are also some training videos created by Ventsim and created at Federation University. The full manual for the program is also available on the Moodle page as well as through the help menu in the program.

This Ventsim task is split into three parts, each part has its own due date as detailed below and also lists requirements for submission.

Part 1: Involves the student familiarising themselves with the program and undertaking a number of basic exercises to learn how to use some of the tools.

Part 2: Involves the student creating a Ventsim model for use in Part 3 of the task. Students need to submit this before proceeding to Part 3 of the task to allow the network model to bechecked prior to commencing task 3.

Part 3: Utilises the ventilation model created in Part 2 to undertake some modelling for various ventilation scenarios.


Step 1: Open Ventsim and create two levels in the levels database, a surface level Range min1000m, Range max 1000m and an underground level Range min 600m, Range max 600m. Save the Ventsim files as filename surnamestep1.

Step 2: In the Plan view create the network as tabulated below on the underground level. Note you will need to ensure the z value for the viewing plane is set at 600m, use the shift key and the mouse scrolling wheel to do this. Save the Ventsim files as filename surnamestep2.
Step 3: Make all of the airways 5m wide x 5m high and set the friction factor to average blasted. Save the Ventsim files as filename surnamestep3.

Step 4 connections to surface to be added, 2 vertical shafts with coordinates as shown in the table below, these shafts need to be set to circular shape, 3.5m in diameter and concrete lined. Set airway 12 as an intake surface connection and airway 13 as a return surface connection.Save the Ventsim files as filename surnamestep4.

Step 5: Set a fixed airflow of 150 m 3/s in airway 12, undertake an airflow simulation. Savethe Ventsim files as filename surnamestep5.

Step 6: Remove the fixed airflow of 150 m3/s from airway 12. In airway 13 add 2 x Main exhaust fans in parallel using curve 1A, undertake an airflow simulation. Save the Ventsim files as filename surnamestep6. Fan curve provided in the figure overleaf.

Step 7: Keeping the fans from step 6, add an airdoor of resistance 5 Ns 2/m8 into airway 3, undertake an airflow simulation what is the impact on the flow in the network? Save the Ventsim files as filename surnamestep7.

Step 8: Remove the airdoor placed in Step 7. Add an additional node into airway 2. Then add a dead end tunnel 500m long as illustrated below.

Select the tunnels as shown blow and add a ventilation duct of 1m diameter to the highlighted tunnels with a friction factor for a flexible duct, leakage porosity set at zero.

In the duct add a fan, small auxiliary fan curve 1. Undertake an airflow simulation and save the Ventsim files as filename surname step 8.


A skeleton model has been created in a mine planning package by tracing over the existing and planned development and exporting the file as a DXF format file. Import this file into Ventsim and adjust it to create a workable model. Note that the decline is 5.5m x 5.5m, the sub level drives are 4.0m x 5.0m and the ventilation shafts are 2.4m diameter.

This task requires you to undertake the following, for each of the four cases below submission requirements are to submit the Ventsim data file for the case (suggested file name format surnameex2partnumber) also submit a word document containing saved views as required for part 4.

1. Create an RL (reduced level) elevation database that separates the mine into each sub-level.Create a RL that also displays the entire mine.

2. Create three PRIMARY Layers, and set the DECLINE, SUB-LEVEL and SHAFT airways to these Layers.

3. Divide the mine into fresh & exhaust air with the DECLINE carrying fresh air, and the SHAFT andthe upper sub level carrying exhaust.

4. Create some saved views showing the;

• Whole mine with exhaust and fresh air showing.
• Decline by itself.
• two upper sub-levels and corresponding shaft Suggested steps to complete the exercise:

1. Initially set the default airway sizes (in the Settings > General > Airway Defaults menu) to 4.0 x5.0m.This will set all imported DXF airways to these defaults sizes, and therefore the majority ofairways will not need to be adjusted after importing.

2. File > IMPORT the DXF file into Ventsim, converting the dxf centrelines directly to airways (import option). Another method is to import the lines as a reference only, and then selectively choose or fence which lines to convert using the Airway > Convert Centreline toolbar button option (next to the ADD button)

T he file name is Example A.3.dxf

3. Create an RL database with the RL MIN & MAX covering each sub-level range. Use the TOOLS > LEVELS menu option for this. Levels given in table overleaf.

4. Create the new Primary layer names by utilising the Preset Value forms (under the SettingsMenu) OR by directly using the Display Manager and right clicking the layer.

5. Use the group edit function to select the decline airways

6. Use the select toolbar button to select all decline airways

7. Use the edit toolbar button to edit all selected airways.

8. Change the primary layer name to Main Decline

9. Change the air type to Fresh

10. Change the airway dimensions to 5.5m x 5.5m

11. Apply the changes to the selected airways

12. Repeat the above actions to set the other airways parameters for shafts and sub-levels.

13. Finally, add fans, ventilation controls and stoppings to direct airflow through the model. Suggest here use a 3kPa fixed pressure fan at the top of the upcast shaft to ensure network is connected etc.

14. To limit the view to the decline or shafts only using the layer control in the display selection to control which layers are displayed


For the mine model you created in Part 2 you are now going to determine the fan requirements for the main exhaust fan to satisfy the following conditions. You will also needto specify ventilation control devices such as air doors, seals, regulators etc. to satisfy therequirements.

Fan type to be used: Main exhaust fan (note parallel fans can be used Airflow requirementat the base of the mine is 50 m 3/s
Level connections to the shaft at other levels require a minimum air velocity of 0.5 m/s (maximum of 1 m/s)

Submission requirements:

1. Final Ventsim simulation model
2. Word document detailing fan requirements, location and details of all Ventilation contrdevices.
3. Also detail any other relevant information.


Reference no: EM133024240

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