Creating a table named inventory

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Reference no: EM13924490

1. You have been asked by the owner of a pre-owned car dealership to set up a way to track the cars in his inventory. He often needs to search his records for specific makes and models or cars made in certain years. He also wants to be able to generate reports based on his sales and reports on which sales representatives are doing the most business.

2. Create a new Access database and set up a table named Sales Rep. Be sure to create attributes, set a primary key, select data types, and add descriptions as necessary. Use the following information:

Rep Number Last Name First Name Address City State ZIP Phone

1 Perry Jim 3453 E. State Jacksonville FL 32231 904-555-4353
2 Bauer Evan 5347 W. Grand Jacksonville FL 32232 904-555-3423
3 Dickens Billy 2351 S. Ferguson Jacksonville FL 32232 904-555-5632

3. Create a table named Inventory using the instructions above. Use the data shown below, with the following guidelines:

a. Set up an auto number to use for a primary key.

b. Use a drop-down list to enter the condition. Possible conditions are Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor.

Make Model Yr Description Condition Cost Selling Price Date Arrived Date Sold Sales Rep
Pontiac Grand Am 2005 4-Door, Red Excellent $8,000 $9,990 5/5/08 6/1/08 Perry
Lincoln Town Car 2001 2-Door, White Good $5,500 $5,995 4/15/08 4/20/08 Dickens
Chevrolet Cavalier 2005 4-Door, Blue Excellent $7,000 5/15/08
Toyota Corolla 2001 4-Door, Black Fair $4,000 $4,500 5/1/08
Ford Tempo 2002 2-Door, Red Poor $2,000 $2,300 5/5/08
Chevrolet Lumina 2005 2-Door, White Excellent $8,500 5/12/08
Ford Focus 2003 5 Speed, Black Good $6,500 $7,000 4/20/08 4/30/08 Perry
Ford Escort 2000 2-Door, White Excellent $5,500 5/3/08
Plymouth Neon 2001 4-Door, Blue Good $6,500 5/1/08

4. Create a one-to-many relationship between SALES_REP and INVENTORY.

5. Create a form to enter and edit inventory information. You decide on the design of the form.

6. Enter the following record into the Inventory table using the new form:

Make Model Year Description Condition Cost Selling Price Date Arrived Date Sold Sales Rep
Ford Taurus LX 2003 Wagon, Gray Excellent $8,200 5/20/07

7. The Chevrolet Lumina was sold on 5/20/08 by Bauer for $9,300. Update the record using the form.

8. Create the following reports using whatever method you prefer. Format the reports so that information is easy to find, give each report an applicable title, and include the date and your name on the report. Hint: You need to create a query to obtain the desired information, and then base the report on the query.

a. All vehicles available for sale with a selling price less than $6,000, sorted by cost in descending order.

b. All vehicles sold, grouped by Sales Rep.

c. All vehicles made by Ford and Toyota.

Reference no: EM13924490

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