Creating a recipe for ethical behavior

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133033283

Now that you have learned about moral exemplars, it's time to make a recipe for yourself on how to become a moral exemplar! You'll include the ingredients and then the steps you need to take so that others look up to you in your future business/career. You'll consider which ingredients and steps will work best for you.


-Choose at least 3 ingredients from the list below.

-Choose at least 3 steps from the list below.

-Explain ingredients and steps why you think that these choices are the best picks. Possible Ingredients:

Note that not all of these are desirable for creating a recipe for ethical behavior so choose carefully and be prepared to defend your choice. You can include others ingredients (values or trait) that will help you achieve moral exemplar.










-Lack of Conscientiousness


Possible steps to take:

Note that not all of these are desirable for creating a recipe for ethical behavior so choose carefully and be prepared to defend your choice. You can include others steps that will help you achieve moral exemplar.

-Integrate morals into my self-system.

-Develop supports groups over time who give me positive encouragement for acting ethically.

-Learn more about famous exemplars in life or in stories, literature/other media.

-Pay attention to what trusted others can teach me about ethics.

-Engage in personal projects such as volunteering.

-Create or participate in moral ecologies that match my values.

-Use my in-group as my primary example for what is ethical and look to the out-group for what not to do.Open a new document to complete the assignment. Save it to your desktop. When you are done, upload your assignment. Review the rubric for grading requirements. tutors can help.

Reference no: EM133033283

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