Creating a professional looking document

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM1381006

Find and critique virtual data and word processing skills to create a professional-looking document that promotes personal development or financial growth and maturity.

Search the Internet for information on a topic that interests you and that offers information on money management, personal health and safety, or parenting. Note the URL's where you find your material, as you will need to reference the information.

When you are done searching, highlight (left click & drag cursor) the text from the article or source being displayed in your browser. Then while the text is still highlighted, right click and select Copy.
Next, open Microsoft Word and paste the information (Edit/Paste) on the page. Manipulate the information to suit your purpose. Play with Font, style, and size.
Scroll further down your Word document below the inserted text from the article, and write your Summary about the content of the article that you selected.
Add a page border (Format/Borders & Shading/Page).
Use any Word features you can to make a nicely presented, effective document that presents useful information.
In a footer position (View/Header-Footer), type in the URL information to give credit to the information source).


Reference no: EM1381006

Questions Cloud

Implementing relational database management system : Jim and Tim are brothers who have a love of robots. They started a house based business called 'RoboBoys' where they custom create robots for fun, gifts, competition and decoration.
Suppose that the agent expects both daytime and evening call : Suppose that the agent expects both daytime and evening calls. At what point (ie percentage of call minutes for daytime calls) would she be indifferent between plans A and B?
How industry conditions can this be achieved : The industry is still booming so the management team has set a modest market share objective of .3% increase. Based on the data provided compared to present trade also industry conditions can this be achieved.
Illustrate what further research might be suggested : illustrate what further research might be suggested by the find outings of this study. Or do you have sufficient information to stop the use of reader response cards in Industry Week.
Creating a professional looking document : Find and critique virtual data and word processing skills to make a professional looking document that promotes personal development or financial growth and maturity.
Illustrate what will you suggest to june in both situations : Does which further change your recommendation to June about the type of ownership. Explain why or explain why not. Illustrate what will you suggest to June in both situations.
Developing an understanding of the content and complexity : Developing an understanding of the content and complexity of the project is the purpose of -developing a project charter activity of the project planning phase.
Compute the break-even point : Gabriella Sax believes which customers in her dress shop find out certain prices very appealing. Among these price levels, all prices are seen as roughly the same.
Elucidate how many days should abc company budget : After reviewing time records from a similar type of activity, they convinced which an 80% curve is appropriate. They estimate which the first job will take their crew 7 days to install. Elucidate how many days should ABC Company budget.


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