Creating a presentation to present material

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133188016

Choose and describe a scenario in your organisation that requires you to present information to others. Remember: You will be creating a presentation to present material to two different groups of people at two separate meetings. One of the groups of people you choose to communicate to must be appropriate team members.

Reference no: EM133188016

Questions Cloud

Predatory pricing violates antitrust laws : Predatory pricing is the illegal act of setting prices low to attempt to eliminate the competition.
What amount should be included as an impairment loss : What amount should be included as an impairment loss in Chann Company's statement of comprehensive income for the year ended June 30, 2020
Explain what is advocacy : 1. Explain what is 'advocacy' and what skills an advocator needs to have?
Describe a system for managing that issue : Undertake a risk assessment using a technique of your choice and describe a system for managing that issue and ensuring statutory compliance
Creating a presentation to present material : Choose and describe a scenario in your organisation that requires you to present information to others. Remember: You will be creating a presentation to present
What are the components that make a fraud complex : What are the components that make a fraud complex? Research the internet and find an example of a complex financial fraud and discuss the fraud act
Determine the minimum transfer price : The company is decentralised and each division is evaluated as a profit centre. Determine the minimum transfer price
What is this option worth : The call option would enable you to buy a share of Crude Oil Company stock in one year for $600. What is this option worth if the risk-free rate is 5%
Identify the potential hazards : Look at the photograph below, identify the potential hazards and describe some of the controls that can used to reduce the hazards


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