Reference no: EM133072225
FV3108 CBRNE Emergencies - Portfolio
Creating a Multi-Agency Emergency Plan
Learning outcome 1: Describe the effects and hazards of CBRNE materials. Provide brief definitions, of all CBRNE terminology.
Learning outcome 2: Appraise the resources and operational procedures necessary to effectively manage a CBRNE event.
Learning outcome 3: Discuss the STEP123+ Hazard overlay, CHALETS, DDOOR AND FIREMET; and describe their use at a CBRNE event.
Learning outcome 4: Evaluate the role and responsibilities of other emergency responders at a CBRNE event.
Learning outcome 5: Describe and evaluate the procedures and equipment necessary to carryout mass decontamination.
Organisations responsible for the management of emergencies, crises and/or disasters Worldwide should understand how to respond and deal with CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) incidents or events. These deliberate acts can develop rapidly into disasters and very rarely is there any prior information or intelligence that they are going to happen.
Each organisation involved in the response to and recovery from such emergencies or crisis will have crucial roles to play.
You have been tasked with completing an electronic information portfolio regarding CBRNE response for a specific site, using the plan template provided (by the Tutor). This will be used by the Organisation to assess whether current arrangements for dealing with CBRNE emergencies are suitable and sufficient.
Your Portfolio Document should include:
An Assignment cover sheet
Introduction to the Portfolio - why you are writing this and what it will be used for.
A generic definition and explanation of each element i.e C B R N E, the hazards and risks from each and the effects to be expected from each.
Critically analyse the current CBRNE response resources and identify any issues or gaps, based on your specific site.
Critically analyse the current response procedures/arrangements and identify any issues or gaps, based on your specific site. You should structure this using the 9 key tasks methodology.
Identify and discuss the role and responsibilities of all responder agencies, that you would expect would respond to a confirmed CBRNE emergency.
Evaluate the current equipment and procedure for Mass Decontamination and identify any issues or gaps, based on your specific site.
Your recommendations for improvement and any approximate identified costs.
Attachment:- Portfolio Brief.rar
Is there an arbitrage opportunity
: The dividend yield on a stock is 3.5% per annum. The stock currently is selling at $255.17 and the futures price for a contract deliverable in five months is $2
What is the mortgage principal
: A 22-year mortgage is amortized by payments of $1,761.50 made at the end of each month. If interest is 9.65% compounded semi-annually
What is the rate of interest compounded semi-annually
: What is the rate of interest compounded semi-annually on the mortgage?
Calculate equity in net income of Steico
: Calculate equity in net income of Steico, reported on Putney's separate books. Putney uses the complete equity method to account for its investment in Steico
Creating a Multi-Agency Emergency Plan
: Creating a Multi-Agency Emergency Plan - Describe the effects and hazards of CBRNE materials. Provide brief definitions, of all CBRNE terminology
Overarching health information system
: Benefits of having an overarching health information system (HIS) as it relates to decision-making
Calculate the cash flows generated by portfolio
: Assume that indeed the term structure immediately steepens: y4 (Coupon)'= 2.5% andy20 (Coupon)'= 5%. What are the profits from the trade?
Determine the company financial liabilities
: (i) Using the flow-of-funds equation, determine what the company's financial liabilities must have been during the stated period in 2020.
What is the operating cash flow
: For the year, Jensen's has EBIT of $4,854.15, depreciation of $2,058, interest expense of $382, What is the operating cash flow