Reference no: EM133288196
In her essay, Kamal (2009) outlines a handful of key conditions (p. 42) that she believes can greatly improve the potential for water reforms. Of these five actions, which would be the most impactful? WHY?
Water in other sectors. This situation is likely to become worse in the coming years and requires careful consideration from policy makers;
· There are spin-offs from ensured minimum flows in any live and dead river system. Whereas, some of the water recharges underground resources, water that flows through riverine belts benefits the local and bed agriculture often free of cost. Rationalizing this externality and putting a value on it for recovery from those benefitting needs should be further analyzed;
· Flora and fauna will be under further stress as temperatures rise and the rate of extinction of species are likely to increase, creating ecological imbalance with widespread social, economic and biophysical implications;
· Engaging policy makers in constructive dialogue on the importance of minimum environmental flows is no single province's domain. it should receive central place in any water policy and the costs and benefits of supporting environmental flows as a policy should be highlighted through the media for public awareness;
· Minimum flows can only be guaranteed during a lean period if there is a regulatory mechanism of storage upstream. Likewise emergency releases during drought periods will need analysis through advanced hydrology models taking advantage of current GIS and remote sensing technology to determine needs and impacts of critical reaches.