Creating a class for services

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380173

Service Price($) Time(Minutes)

Cut 8.00 15
Shampoo 4.00 10
Manicure 18.00 30
Style 48.00 55
Permanent 18.00 35
Trim 6.00 5

Make a class for services offered by a hair styling salon. Information fields include a String to hold the service description (for example, "Cut", Shampoo", or "Manicure"), a double to hold the price, and an integer to hold the average number of minutes it takes to perform the service. The class name is Service. Include a constructor that requires arguments for all three data fields and three get methods that each return one of the data field's values.
Write an application named SalonReport that contains an array to hold six Service Objects and fill it with data from the Table above. Include methods to sort the array in ascending order by price of service, time it takes to perform the service, and in alphabetical order by service description.
Prompt the user for the preferred sorting method, and offer three choices: sort by description, price, or time. Depending on the user's input, display the results.
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Reference no: EM1380173

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