Creating a change management plan

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131943477

Question: The ultimate goal of achievement in this course is to be able to build a change management plan that can actually be used. This plan will rely on everything you have learned about change implementation and management in public health to date.

Throughout the course, you have worked on this course project for creating a change management plan for a specific public health organization.

In this assignment, build upon your research and develop the change management plan for this public health organization. In your plan, address the interplay of processes, systems, personal and professional roles, and the resources needed to achieve the expected outcomes. Conduct research, analyze the subject matter, and synthesize your findings into your change management plan.

Utilizing the sequential model of effective change implementation, demonstrate the following steps in your plan:

1. Provide recommendations for redesigning the organization by:

1. Defining roles

2. Assigning responsibilities

3. Establishing or redesigning organizational relationships

2. Provide recommendations for soliciting help by:

1. Conducting organization-wide training

2. Establishing and assigning mentors

3. Provide recommendations for aligning people by:

1. Conducting an organizational assessment of employees' current assignments

2. Enacting promotions where needed

3. Enacting replacements of people who are reassigned or promoted

4. Recruiting talent when and where needed throughout organization

4. Provide recommendations for changing systems and structures by:

1. Establishing new organizational reporting relationships

2. Adjusting compensation/benefit packages

3. Providing adequate and clear information to implement change

4. Evaluating change implementation through monitoring to sustain changes made

Be sure to address the issues you have been studying throughout this course. Within the four sections, include the following:

• Identify the stakeholders inside and outside of your organization and explain how you will include them in your change management plan.

• Discuss whether your plan will rely on process-driven change or content-driven change, and why.

• Explain how you will build high employee commitment to the change management plan.

• Analyze how you will incorporate "fair process" and use 1) engagement; 2) explanation; and 3) expectation clarity, for a successful change implementation experience.

• Analyze and give reasons for the organizational structure design (functional, divisional, matrix, or horizontal) you will utilize in your change management plan.

Your final product should be an 10-page paper in Word format, not including the title page, abstract, or reference page, utilizing a minimum of 6 scholarly sources. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Reference no: EM131943477

Questions Cloud

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Creating a change management plan : Throughout the course, you have worked on this course project for creating a change management plan for a specific public health organization.
Discuss the combination of global strategies adopted : Explain how van Boxmeer's recent actions will help the firm deal with recent global challenges and suggest one or two other actions he could consider.
How might the self-sealing value loop work for a manager : Research the concept of a self-sealing value loop. How might the self-sealing value loop work for a manager who holds Theory Y values?
Review the strategic management theory : Briefly describe how double and triple loop learning cultivate strategic innovation skills in the organization, and are you more comfortable with product.
Explain why rankings are given to employees : Explain why rankings are given to employees and the advantages and disadvantages of including rankings. Address why organizations should deliver appraisals.


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