Reference no: EM132610884
IMAT5233 Intelligent Mobile Robotics - De Montfort University
Assignment - Creating a 2D Map of an Unknown Environment
Learning Outcome 1: A critical awareness of current techniques used for mapping and localisation
Learning Outcome 2: A comprehensive understanding of stochastic techniques for robot mapping and localisation.
Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge of robot mapping and localisation.
Tasks to be undertaken:
For this assignment you will be using the PeopleBot robot (MobileSim simulator) and the Aria C++ libraries. A program implementing a simple wandering behaviour has been created for you - use this as your starting point. You may only use the robot's odometer and sonar sensors to construct the map. The robot's laser range finder (SICK) and the Aria Navigation Libraries (SONARNL) should not be used.
Assignment Specification:
You must write a program which creates a 2D map of the robot's environment (a small room or arena). The map should take one of the following forms:
• A set of 2D points (co-ordinates).
• A set of line segments.
• An occupancy grid.
It must be possible to view the map in one or more of the following ways:
• As a scatter plot (Matlab, excel or openoffice)
• As an image (bmp, jpeg, png, ps, pdf)
• As a real-time image using an appropriate graphics library (DirectX, OpenGL SFML, FLTK)
Your report should outline how your program constructs a map, giving all your working with diagrams and screenshots. You should also specify any additional external libraries you have used. It should include the following sections:
1) Introduction
2) Map Construction Technique
3) Software Implementation (basic overview - not a code listing)
4) Testing and Results
5) Conclusions
6) Bibliography
Attachment:- Intelligent Mobile Robotics.rar