Reference no: EM131557641
Discuss the following questions about eating disorders in 150 words or more:
1. Do you think that the current focus on obesity creates more cases of eating disorders? Why or why not?
2. Which aspect of media provides the most distorted examples of body image to the public? (List examples.)
3. Without using names or revealing relationships, do you know anyone who has an eating disorder? Has this person received treatment? If so, what kind?
4. What do you think is the best way to approach someone that you believe has an untreated eating disorder: Do you think you could make a difference in getting them help?
Include an active link to a source that provides information about eating disorders. Remember, read 10 messages and reply to 3 for full credit.
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Answer ALL of the questions above.
Include an active link to a reliable reference on eating disorders. A reliable reference is .edu or .org (with the author's credentials and references included in the article)