Reference no: EM133692849 , Length: word count:1500
Topic - Mental health
Students are to write a 1,500 word critical review using an essay format.
Students are asked to explore the literature of the contemporary issues and demonstrate and highlight similarities and differences in cultural practices for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population.
A point of clarification that emerged from discussion in the tutorial.
In exploring these issues and cultural practices, you welcome to consider:
First Nation Australian populations and non-First Nations populations
Between various Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Or consider aspects from both of the above options.
Despite the past and present impacts of colonisation, kinship systems, customs and traditions continue to thrive, and First nations people, families and communities continue to remain resilient. There is a rich body of literature on the violent and horrendous history of colonisation within Australia including massacres, missions, segregation, deaths in custody and land rights. It is these that are considered the contemporary issues - including stolen generations.
The assessment creates an opportunity to engage with the literature and to demonstrate their critical understanding of their topic using the perspective of different authors.
Each page should have a footer with student number and page number
Word limit of 1,500 words +/- 10% should be adhered to, failure to meet this word limit attracts a penalty of 10% of the final marks awarded.
A minimum of 1.5 spacing should be used
There should be no use of dot points, lists or tables.
It is expected that students will conform to academic writing (sentences and paragraphs with referencing).
Students are to write in third person only
Headings are permitted and left to the student's preference
APA 7th ed. referencing
References should contemporary and appropriate to the context
Students are encouraged to utilise journals, databases, government websites and professional body publications as appropriate.