Creates a list of integers

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131596607

Modify the List<T> class of Figure 21.3 in the textbook to include a method that recursively searches a linked-list for a specified value. Ensure that the name of your method includes your last name. The method must return a reference to the value if it is found; otherwise, it must return null. Use your method in a test program that creates a list of integers. The program must prompt the user for a value to locate in the list.

Reference no: EM131596607

Questions Cloud

Demonstrates the operation of your indexedlist class : Write a program that demonstrates the operation of your IndexedList class - This would be much faster than searching the linked list from the beginning
Professional relationship with an employee : How would you build a new professional relationship with an employee prior to an interview?
What kind of public speaking skills impresses about speaker : What makes your examples unique? What kind of public speaking skills (such as gestures or vocal delivery) impresses you about speaker, or what turns you away?
Calculate applet flexible budget variance for total costs : Applet Systems is a start-up company that makes connectors for high-speed Internet connections. Calculate Applet's flexible budget variance for total costs
Creates a list of integers : Modify the List class of Figure 21.3 in the textbook to include a method that recursively searches a linked-list for a specified value.
Clinical record standards for the selected setting : Within the Conditions, locate the medical or clinical record standards for the selected setting.
Suggest key insights that may be gained by the administrator : Suggest two key insights that may be gained by the administrator in regard to the performance of the organization. Provide support for your rationale.
What is the one food-related regulation : If you had unilateral power, what is the one food-related regulation that you would impose - or abolish? Why would you take this action?
What is metapro direct labor cost variance for august : MetaPro Systems is a start-up company that makes connectors for high-speed Internet connections. What is MetaPro's direct labor cost variance for August


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