Reference no: EM13259855
1. In 1839, which state voted to allow women to own property in their own name?
A) Oregon
B) Wyoming
C) Mississippi
D) New York
E) Texas
2. Elections for members of Congress occur __________.
A) on the second Tuesday in November
B) every two years in odd-numbered years
C) on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November
D) in the first week of November in odd numbered years
E) always between November 1 and November 5
3. Presidents are limited to two terms by the __________.
A) Thirteenth Amendment
B) Eighteenth Amendment
C) Twenty-First Amendment
D) Twenty-Second Amendment
E) Twenty-Fifth Amendment
4. In 2012, which Republican candidate's performance in the debates helped to counter the superior fundraising of Mitt Romney?
A) Herman Cain
B) Newt Gingrich
C) Rick Perry
D) Jon Hunstman
E) Michele Bachman
5. What organization was created in 1974 to administer new campaign reform laws?
A) U.S. Electoral Commission (USEC)B) Federal Finance Commission (FFC)C) Federal Election Commission (FEC)
D) Federal Election Campaign Administration (FECA)
E) Electoral Finance Commission (EFC)
6. The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act is also known as the __________.
A) McCain-Kerry bill
B) Palin-Biden Act
C) McConnell-Feingold agreement
D) McCain-Feingold billE) Reid-Boehner bill.
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