Created a competitive advantage for an enterprise

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Reference no: EM131398679

TOPIC: Buyers issues: Technology and socila networking

To complete the current event activity, perform research utilizing resources such as the Internet, magazine publications, newspapers, and journals on a current event that illustrates the implementation of a new IS technology. This technology should have played or a significant role or created a competitive advantage for an enterprise. Summarize the details and implications of the reports in your own words, and reflect on how such technology was used to improve the functional or operational process in current business practices.

Select your current event for this module, keeping in mind the topics presented in this week's module and your Research Project. Evaluate, synthesize and summarize the data obtained from your research on your selected current event. The information that you utilize to construct your summary data must relate to events that are newsworthy and currently in the media.

Reference no: EM131398679

Questions Cloud

Compare the length of the confidence interval : Compare the length of the confidence interval in given Exercise to the length of the confidence interval for the mean you got in given Exercise. Comment on why they differ.
How did the goals of the business affect the values : How did the goals of the business affect the values, attitudes, and approaches to work that were encouraged among the team? What about your personality was a good fit with that culture
Define an appropriate type for a doubly linked list : In a doubly linked list, each structure contains a pointer to both the following and previous structures in the list. Define an appropriate type for a doubly linked list of names and telephone numbers.
About the range of work in the early modernist period : Consider the artists and their works discussed in our readings this week. Choose two works of art (by different artists) from our readings this week and discuss their similarities and differences. What do your examples suggest about the range of work..
Created a competitive advantage for an enterprise : This technology should have played or a significant role or created a competitive advantage for an enterprise. Summarize the details and implications of the reports in your own words, and reflect on how such technology was used to improve the func..
Partnership perspective for managing human resources : Select an organization (a place that you currently work at or have knowledge with) and for this organization, please define how this organization incorporates a “partnership perspective for managing human resources.” Is it realistic to expect this or..
Global economic integration : Explain why David Korten claims that "The global economic integration advanced through GATT and the World Trade Organization is at odds with the most basic principles of market economics."?
Economic value of the inventories : Why might the economic value of the inventories differ from the value recorded on the balance sheet of Brinker International?
With operations in all continents : Imagine you are the CEO of a multinational company, with operations in all continents.You were born and raised in the USA. How "American" should you be when dealing with all of your country operations? Please elaborate on all cultural differences tha..


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