Create your own web application to a simple e-commerce store

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131085437

Lab submission details:

As part of the submission for this Lab, you will create your own Web application to store and use session variables in a simple e-Commerce store.

Specifically, you will create an e-Commerce application using PHP and HTML that allows a user to login to a website, select several products for purchase and then place an order for those items selected. The type of products and price you use for the store are up to you.

The following guidelines should be used in your design and development:

1. The Login form should consist of fields for username, email address and password.

2. After login, a welcome message should appear providing a simple order form with at least 10 products of your choice. Be sure to include an image of the product and price.

3. Users can shop your store for up to 30 minutes before the session will expire.

4. Once all products are selected, the user should be able to checkout and pay for their purchases.

5. The payment page should display the username, email address and the products and total price of the purchases.

6. A "Purchase" button should be available to indicate the product was purchases and should generate a "Thank you" message of your choice.

7. On the Thank you message page, an option for logging out and essentially unsetting the stored sessions variables should be available and implemented.

Feel free to add additional HTML and PHP elements to enhance your web application. Create screen shots showing the successful running of your application.

For your deliverables, you should submit a zip file containing your word document (or PDF file) with screen shots of the application running successfully along with your PHP web application file.

Include your full name, class number and section and date in the document.


Reference no: EM131085437

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