Reference no: EM131911017
This week, you will create your own digital story using Microsoft PowerPoint or similar presentation software. Remember that this presentation MUST be narrated in order to receive a grade.
As you work on your digital story, focus on good presentation design, and on the information that I included in the Resources module on good oral presentations.
One of the most common errors that I see when students submit this assignment is an error in contrast. Up front, let me advise that you avoid using pictures to cover the entire slide.
When you place text on top of pictures, you often encounter contrast issues with the color of the text. It is better to leave a blank space at the top or bottom of the slides for the text.
Practice your narration before actually recording so that it flows smoothly. Do not just read the slides unless your digital story is an actual story....and then I expect that you will read with expression!
Be creative and make the presentation exciting. Choose a topic that you are passionate about. If it is not exciting to you, it will not be exciting to me! Enjoy!