Create written work utilizing concepts of critical thinking

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Reference no: EM131150695

When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment asks you to engage in this aspect of critical thinking.

The assignment is divided into two (2) parts.

For Part I of the assignment (due Week 2), you read a book excerpt about critical thinking processes, reviewed the Website in order to gather information, and engaged in prewriting to examine your thoughts.

* Remember that in the Week 2 Discussion, you examined the biases discussed in Chapter 2 of the webtext.

In Part II of the assignment (due Week 4), you will write a paper to synthesize your ideas.

Part II - Writing

Write at three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

1. State your position on the topic you selected for Assignment 1.1.

2. Identify (3) three premises (reasons) from the website that support your position and explain why you selected these specific reasons.

3. Explain your answers to the "believing" questions about the three (3) premises opposing your position from the website.

4. Examine at least two (2) types of biases that you likely experienced as you evaluated the premises for and against your position.

5. Discuss the effects of your own enculturation or group identification that may have influenced your biases.

6. Discuss whether or not your thinking about the topic has changed after playing the "Believing Game," even if your position on the issue has stayed the same.

The paper should follow guidelines for clear and organized writing:

• Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph.

• Address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences.

• Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA Style format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

You must follow these submission guidelines:

• Submit the essay to and then submit the originality report and final essay with any needed revisions to Blackboard.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Identify the informal fallacies, assumptions, and biases involved in manipulative appeals and abuses of language.

• Create written work utilizing the concepts of critical thinking.

• Use technology and information resources to research issues in critical thinking skills and informal logic.

Reference no: EM131150695

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