Create web page that includes table with two rows and column

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131920392



The following Web page should be created using Notepad (PC users) or TextEdit (MAC users). DO NOT use Word or any other Web authoring tool to complete this assignment. When you edit your file in Notepad or Textedit, open a new instance of Notepad or TextEdit to do so. Do not make the changes from the View/Source window in your browser. That does not work.

1. Create a Web page (separate from the one created in Part 1) that includes a table with at least two rows and two columns. Title your Web page - John Doe's Hobbies Page but use your own name (this information goes in the title tag). Each cell in the table should contain one of your hobbies. Include two heading levels - h1 and h2 somewhere on the page. Save your Web page as hobbies.html. Link your movies page to your hobbies page. Then link your hobbies page to your movies page. Add an image to your movies page and a different image to your hobbies page. Make sure to include the alt tag with an appropriate description for each image. Also, include at least one external link on at least one of the two pages. Organize the content on each page in a way that is easy to read and save the pages again.

2. Create an external style sheet to apply the following styles:

o the color red to all h1 headings
o the color blue to all h2 headings
o the color green and the font Arial to all paragraphs
o the font Cursive to all ordered lists
o the font size 28px to all bulleted lists
o a solid border around all tables
o a solid border and a background color of purple to all cells within a table

Create classes to style specific tags as follows:

o Change the background color of one of the cells in the table to orange
o Change the text color of one of the items in the unordered (bulleted) list to orange
o Change the font of one of the items in the ordered (numbered) list to Arial

Do not include any embedded or inline tags in your code. All styles should be applied using an external style sheet and classes. The completed external style sheet (css) should contain 7 tags and 3 classes.

Reference no: EM131920392

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